(3) - Sniffing 'Em Out

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"I can help!" a voice came from the entrance that caused everyone in the room's jaws drop to the floor.

"Dude?!" the VKs said in shock, not expecting Carlos's dog to be joining them in their little adventure across worlds.

Meanwhile, the Storybrookers were left in awe at witnessing a dog speak. Though, they were able to recover fairly quickly considering all the other things they had seen and experienced in their lives up to that point.

Carlos went over to where Dude was standing and picked up his furry companion. "I can track 'em!" he said, referring to the rest of the stray AKs and VKs who were brought over.

David though, still fascinated by Dude, bent down to his level and examined him closely.

"Woah, man! Ever heard of personal space?!" Dude yelled at David, causing him to back up.


"Dude, this is Emma, Killian, Henry, and- What's your name?" Carlos turned to David who told him his name.

"David. And everyone, this is Dude."

"A dog?" Killian asked.

"Yes?" Carlos answered.

"Who can talk?"

"You have Mal to thank for that," Jay chuckled.

"Hey!" said person exclaimed.

"Hey, I'm not complaining," Dude said.

"Well, I am," Jay replied to the dog. "You never know when to stop talking."

Dude tilted his head. "In that case, should I tell everyone about the time I found you-"

"Okay!" Jay interrupted, glaring at Dude, walking in the direction of the exit. "Let's find our friends."

"How are you going to find them?" Evie asked.

Dude smirked. "The same way I found you. I'm gonna sniff 'em out."


There was a tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Neither of the alternate parents or children knew what to say to one another. They all just subtly eyed each other as they walked with Dude to track the rest who had came with them.

Harry noticed his alternate father holding hands with the blonde woman, Emma, he thinks her name was?

Though Harry didn't know his mother, or if he and either of his sibling had the same mother, if there was some version, any version of Emma Swan back in his world, he would bet his rations that she was at least his younger sister, CJ's mother. The resemblance he saw between the Isle's youngest Hook and Emma was downright disturbing, apart from their eye colors.

"Your dog's tracking skills are impressive," David told Carlos. "Reminds me of a sheepdog I used to have, Wilby. My mother used to say he was a bloodhound in a sweater."

"Yes, what exactly are you tracking," Regina asked the dog who had his nose to the pavement.

"I'm following the smell of marshmallows and peaches," Dude answered.

Carlos smiled, "Jane's signature scent."

"Who's Jane?" Emma asked with a smirk on her face, sensing that this girl was special to Carlos, seeing the way his face lit up at the thought of her.

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