(20) - Cabin Crasher

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The Enchanted Forest's Gaston led the blonde LeGume to his cabin in the woods.

"So, in Henry's book... it said that you died—Ben's other dad turned you into a rose?"

Gaston chuckled, "That he did." And he went to tell his alternate son the story—about how after Captain Hook had helped the the Charmings and the Mills sisters defeat Hades, Zeus had given all those who weren't ready to pass to peace a new chance at life. These people included Killian, Robin and himself.
(A/N): I know this is nowhere near what actually happened, but this was the best explanation I could come up with for why two characters who are supposed to be dead are alive. The reason I didn't bring Neal back was because he had already found peace. I didn't bring Milah back because just no.

They walked into the cabin that Gaston had built himself. He turned to Gil. "So... unfortunately, there's only one bedroom so I can take the couch-"

"Oh, no, I can crash on the couch. Trust me, it's probably heaven compared to what I had on the Isle."

"Right," Gaston grinded his teeth. Regina had explained to all the VKs' alternate parents that most of the villain children grew up in terrible living conditions with possibly abusive parents. But that was all the more reason he would refuse to let the boy sleep in the living room.

"No, I insist. If your stay is going to be longer than anticipated, then I'll look into getting another bed or building another room."

Gil nodded.

Gaston took out his hunting bow. "Okay, I was about to go hunt for dinner. Wanna join me?" he asked, holding out a bow to Gil.

Gil approached the weapon with shaky hands. He knew how to use weapons, but he had never killed anything before—not even a fly.

Gaston sensed his nervousness and reassured him, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Gil immediately let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Thank you."

Gaston nodded. "Okay. I'll be back in the couple hours. If you get hungry, there's some stuff to eat in the fridge."


It was about an hour and Gil was sitting on the couch, bouncing his leg up and down. He groaned, "Couldn't the plot progress any faster?!"

"Whoop," he said as there was a loud sound of sirens, people shouting, and cracking was heard and there was a slight earthquake. "Hope that crack in the fourth wall didn't hurt other Dad," he said, looking out the window.

He walked over to the fridge and opened it. He started examining the items that were stored in there. He sighed as he was muttering the foods he recognized, "-eggs, CANTALOUPE!" he gasped, blushing as he remembered when they first arrived in Auradon, and he had mistaken grapes for the fruit.

It was then Gaston walked in, placing his hunting bow aside and began to set the fire to cook his kill. "Hey. Hope, I wasn't out too long."

"Just in time, actually. I was just about to eat this cantaloupe," Gil said, holding the fruit up.

Gaston looked at Gil before gulping. "G-Gil... that's a watermelon."

Gil frowned before blushing as he once again confused some of the most basic of fruits.

There was an awkward silence between the alternate father and son before Gil spoke up. "So, what are we eating?"

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