(16) - Goody Two-Shoes

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Chad and Jane arrived at the residence of Cinderella and her prince, also known as Ashley and Sean, who were walking whilst holding their four-year-old daughter's hand.

They were given the usual welcome and each were guided to a guest room that was right next to each other.

Chad—with constant pestering from Jane to act a little more grateful, tried his best to show respect and humbleness to the family.

The maid was cooking dinner while Sean has to go back to work as Ashley was helping her daughter with homework. Alex has begun going to pre-school just a couple weeks prior. Ella would admit, she really missed taking her daughter with her at work to the day-care everyday.

Despite the couples' protests, Jane insisted she make herself of use around the house and help out in any way she could. They only allowed her to when she assured that if she didn't keep herself busy, she would be bored out of her mind.

She was helping the maid with dinner when Ashley got a phone call. "Oh, I'm going to need to take this. Jane, do you mind staying with Alex for a minute?"

"Sure," Jane nodded as she sat down next to the blonde child. "Hi, Alex. How are you?" she asked sweetly, but was just answered with the little girl looking at her weirdly. "You need any help?" she asked, gesturing to the worksheet on the table with a picture and numbers to indicate which color was colored in which portion. But she got no response again.

Jane sighed before taking out her phone and texting Carlos.

'Hey Babe
How are things on your end?'

She smiled and fiddled with the necklace Carlos has given her for her birthday a week ago as she saw the three dots pop up, indicating he was texting her back.

'They're ok
Jay and I thought we'd get out and bask in some of the cool Maine air before heading back to Jefferson's

'Kinda bored tbh
Where are you guys?
Maybe I could join you?'

Jane furrowed her eyebrows as Carlos wasn't responding back. She leaned back as the three dots appeared.

'Uhh...that's probably not the best idea'

Jane was confused at why Carlos was so vague. Perhaps because Jay was there and she would probably be intruding on their 'guy time', therefore making either her or Jay a third wheel and he didn't want to offend her? But she had hung out with both Carlos and Jay before without any awkwardness or hostility.

She shrugged before typing him back.

Wanna meet up with the others at Granny's tomorrow morning?'

'Sounds great
See you tomorrow'

Jane put her phone away as Chad came down the stairs. "Dinner still isn't ready?" he groaned.

He sighed before taking an apple out of the bowl in the middle of the table and tossing it around in his hand, causing little Alexandra to giggle.

"Chad, please don't teach her to play with food."

"You don't teach her to be such a goody two-shoes and loosen up," Chad quipped.

He chuckled as he took two more pieces of fruit out of the bowl and began juggling them. Alex continued giggling. "Do it again! Do it again!"

Chad obliged as Jane looked at the scene with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

Then, the fruit suddenly fell out of Chad's hands and at that point, Alex was clutching her stomach with laughter as Chad scrambled to pick them up.

Jane looked on in amusement as Ashley came back into the room.

"Hey, sorry. I just got a call from Sean. Apparently someone thought it was funny to tamper with the lights and radio on his car and now it's practically a disco ball. He was calling to tell me he was going to be late for dinner because he's going to Mr. Tillman—the town mechanic, to get it fixed."

"Do they know who did it?" Jane asked.

"Well, Sean says could have sworn that he saw two male figures fleeing the scene as he approached his car," the blonde said, sitting down.

"Hm," Jane said just as the maid was putting dinner on the table. "Look on the bright side—you're probably never going to see them again," she smiled.

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