(47) - Detour

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(A/N): Warning: This chapter gets pretty dark. Proceed with caution. And I know it's super long—just hope you can keep up.


The blonde daughter of Captain Hook ran to Ursula's Fish & Ships as she scrambled to find her older brother. She had just seen Cotillion on the television and saw that Uma was indeed off the Isle with no way back on. Would Harry be gone too?

Her thoughts were so tumultuous, that she didn't realize she bumped into someone who also appeared to be moving in a hurry. It was one of the pirates from the Lost Revenge crew. As both bodies were recovering from the impact, a familiar voice was shouting.

"Hey, come back!" Gil was chasing after the pirate, who had resumed running and escaped from the pirate boy's reach.

CJ looked on in confusion as the son of Gaston sighed and threw his head back in defeat.

"Um... what was that?" CJ asked.

"The last crew member to jump ship."

"What? What is going on?!"

"Uma swam off from the Auradon party. She doesn't have a way of getting back into the Isle, and crew members have started leaving."

CJ turned to look at him sharply. "Where's Harry?"

The two turned to Pirate's Cove, where as the Lost Revenge came into view, so was the son of Captain Hook trying to calm down a raging crew. Well, more like, what was left of the crew.

"Everybody, mangle yer muzzles!" Harry yelled over all the other loud voices, getting their attention. "Keep yer damn heads until Uma gets back with the wand!"

"She's already failed twice! Last time because the daughter of the great sea witch couldn't tell the difference between a real magic wand and a knockoff, and this time because she was bested by freaking True Love's Kiss!" a crew member shouted.

"Both times wouldn't have been a loss, if ye all didn't manage lose our leverage when Mal pulled one over on us! How exactly does a group of six mange to escape a crew of fourteen, hm? How many hours a day do ye all train again?" Harry shot back.

"We might not have lost them if Uma didn't need to pull you out of the damn water because you jumped in to get your precious hook," another crew member scoffed. "But, you're nothing but Uma's lap dog. Of course you would blame our shortcomings on us, and not her incompetent lack of leadership skills."

The raven-haired boy glared at the mouthy crew member furiously. "Uma is the one that gave ye all a title and a purpose on this miserable island! Without her 'incompetent lack of leadership skills', ye all would be nothing! I doubt ye would be speaking so contumeliously if it was Uma here right now!"

"Well she's not. She swam off and forgot all about us. Who the hell is supposed to be our new captain now? You, the son of Captain Hook who doesn't have the balls to form his own crew?" yet another crew member challenged.

"Ye want to see how long ye last without us, be my guest!" Harry barked, having had just about enough of their insolence. He wasn't going to lie and say their words didn't sting a little, on behalf on himself and Uma, but what was the purpose of the crew if it wasn't a loyal one?

The three crew members who had spoken up in defiance took off their hats, threw them to the ground, and stormed off the ship.

Gil and CJ who were still standing off to the side in the direction of the exit looked on in shock. When the defectors were on their way out, Gil went to talk to them, but caught Harry's glance who put a hand up as a gesture to let them go. They were better off without them. The blonde boy sighed, but obeyed his acting captain.

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