(21) - Farms and Fantasies

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Dizzy followed excitedly behind Clorinda and Jacob to their farm house. She looked around curiously.

"This place is beautiful," the thirteen-year-old said, smiling.

Jacob chuckled at the bright and energetic child. The former footman wasn't sure if he had a relation to the daughter of the 'wicked' stepsister, but if he did, he certainly wouldn't mind.

Clorinda smiled, "Back in the Enchanted Forest, we were planning to run away and live on a farm just like this."

"It took a trip to the Land of Untold Stories, two curses, and one near-death experience to find each other. Just proves that true love always finds a way." The couple gazes into each other's eyes lovingly and Dizzy smiles sadly, wondering what it would be like to have two loving parents in a healthy relationship, something that was incredibly rare on the Isle of the Lost. All she had was an absent mother and an evil grandmother. The only real family she probably had on the Isle was her cousin, Anthony. Oh, how she wished he could be there right now.

"You okay?" Clorinda asked, noting the girl looking deep in thought.

"Yeah," she nodded. "It's really surprising how many villains got their happy endings here. Well, I doubt you could call a lot of them villains, but it's really mesmerizing how much people can change when given the chance."

"Ah, one of the beauties of Storybrooke," Clorinda sighed. "The people here will never give up on you."

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