(44) - Road Trip

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"So, are you sure you have everything you need?" Belle asked a little worriedly as Ben slipped a duffel bag over his shoulder at the Swan-Jones house.

"I'm sure," Ben gave the woman a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine."

"Yeah, they'll be safe. Besides, Henry won't let anything happen to him," Emma said, coming over and handing the king a file. "Here. I reached out to some of my contacts in Boston and did as much digging as I could of my own here. I already filled in Henry on the arrangements, and you'll be making your way to New York."

Everybody in Storybrooke knew that locating people was Emma Swan's game. She'd done it ever since she was a child and she could find a needle in a haystack. Though she could have gone with Ben herself, the adults were Storybrooke's main line of defense and the Savior's presence was probably more productive there than in the outside world. Besides, Henry wasn't a child anymore; he was up to these sort of tasks.

"'New York'? Something happen to the old one?" a voice chimes in, coming down the stairs. Emma, Belle, and Ben turn their heads to see Harry coming down with a duffel bag of his own.

"Killian?" Emma asked questioningly at her True Love who followed closely behind Harry.

"The lad wanted to tag along. I gave him my blessing," Captain Hook clarified.

"Really?" Ben asked slightly surprised. "What brings you?"

"Could use a change of scenery from this monotonous municipality," Harry shrugged. "Besides, thought ye could use some muscle. Gods know ye need it," he teased.

Before Ben could respond, the front door burst open, with a familiar bubbly voice carrying a backpack, looking ready for adventure

"Sorry I'm late!"

The sons of Beauty and the Beast and Captain Hook heads turned towards the door with wide eyes.

"Evie?" both boys asked in surprise.

"You're coming too?" Ben asked.

"What, you thought you were going on a cross-realm road trip and not invite me?" the daughter of the Evil Queen raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the more, the merrier," Henry said as he finally entered the living room, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Sorry for the hold up." He looked around at his now three traveling companions. "You guys ready to go?"


Emma, Killian, Regina, Robin, Rumplestilskin, and Belle stood at the town line where they watched the alternate children saying their goodbyes at they prepared to embark on their journey.

Since public transportation didn't come in and out of Storybrooke, the group would take the first few miles by foot until they would arrive at Chantey's Lobster House, the roadside diner Emma and Pinocchio arrived in front of when they came out of the wardrobe and into this world. From there, they would take a cab and drive the rest of the way to New York City. Yes, it would be several hours, but the trip was on such short notice that they didn't have time to get the alternate kids passports when they didnt even belong to this world.

Leaving Storybrooke, of course the children were required to dress down as much as they were able to, needing to maintain the outward appearance of complete normalcy in the Land Without Magic. Evie wore a black skirt and legging, with a royal blue half-sleeved top, and black heeled ankle boots. Ben went with a white shirt under an unbuttoned yellow and black plaid flannel shirt and jeans. Harry's outfit consisted of a faded red t-shirt, a black leather jacket and black pants. Killian and Emma agreed to the young pirate bringing his hook in his bag but it took some convincing for Harry to not have him walking around with it in-hand. That was one way to grab attention. And Henry, of course, wore his typical black coat with a red and gray striped scarf over a dress shirt with blue jeans.

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