(11) - We Are Not Our Pasts

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Regina drove herself, Robin, Henry, and Evie to the Mills mansion.

As they walked up to the entrance. Evie's mind was boggled due to the conversation she was having with Henry.

"So you're telling me that you sometimes live with your birth mom, Emma, who is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and your stepfather Captain Hook who was also in a relationship with your grandmother? And you sometimes stay with Regina, your adoptive mom... who is also your step-great grandmother, and your future stepfather, Robin Hood, and his son, and his daughter who is also your future stepsister... who... is also your cousin?" Evie felt as though her mind was about to explode.

"I knew you'd get it," Henry smiled.

"Complicated family. But big familys are the best. Good thing this house is so large. So where are the little ones?" Evie asked as they walked in.

"Roland and Robin Jr. are spending the weekend with my sister, Zelena," Regina answered, smiling at the sight of her children getting along. Even if one is alternate.

"It's a good thing, too," Robin, who was holding Regina's hand, added. "I don't know what I would do if he was at the camp earlier during the... incident."

"Yeah, with a big and chaotic family such as this one, a large house comes in handy," Regina said, remembering the days she and Henry lived all alone in that house, until their family grew to become what it was today. And a when she marries Robin, that family will only grow. She loved her life. And she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Regina led the seventeen-year-old upstairs to one of the multiple guest rooms in the house. She figured just by looking at Evie that she would enjoy the room with royal blue-painted walls.

She opened the door as Evie stepped inside and Regina leaned on the door frame. "This is your room for the time being. If you need anything, mine and Robin's room is just down the hall. Feel free to go anywhere you'd like but make sure you knock first incase it's a bedroom and I'd suggest steering clear of my niece's nursery room—It's a bit of a mess right now."

Evie gave a sweet smile. This woman was so kind to her. Despite seeing Henry's book and reading her story, she still couldn't understand how this woman could ever be an 'Evil Queen'. She seemed to be everything her mother wasn't—nurturing, light-hearted, and generous.

As Evie was lost in thought, Regina looked at her as though she could read her mind. She had a question nagging at her since Granny's.


"Yes?" the teenager's tone was a bit nervous as the mayor's own tone was nervous asking the question.

"You read Henry's storybook... and you'd read about me... And you've seen the things I've done, the dark deeds I committed."

"Yeah," Evie nodded her head.

"...And you're still here? You're not petrified to be in the same room as me?" Regina was confused and desperate to understand. This girl knew of all the atrocities Regina's committed in her lifetime even though she didn't really spend that much time with her, and yet she's doesn't appear to be affected by it.

Evie, in fact, was rather indifferent. There was just something inside her that told her Regina wasn't that person anymore. And if it wasn't her gut feeling, it was Regina and her warmth that assured her that she was a good woman. As well as the way everyone treated her. Surely heroes wouldn't be so friendly with a villain unless she's proved herself to have moved forward since those wicked days.

Evie didn't feel like she had the right to judge her, anyway. She remembered that she was not the best person back when she was on the Isle. True, she didn't have a body count, but she had done many things she was not proud of for the sake of survival. She had stepped on others to put herself on top. She had led people on to break their hearts. It wasn't until she came to Auradon that she realized the person she was always meant to be. And she would not let her old life as a scared little girl hiding behind a face-full of makeup and a gang of bullies on the Isle of the Lost define her. She was not her past.

"...I know you've changed since all that. And I can tell these sorts of things, trust me. I used to live on an island of villains and I know what a villain looks like and... you're not it—not anymore at least."

Regina fought back the tears welling in her eyes. Despite how much everyone, including herself, tried to convince that she's changed and become a moral human being, she knew there were still going to be those times when the memories of her Evil Queen days would keep her up at night and make her wonder if her existence had anything but a negative impact on the world. The guilt would never truly go away, and she felt that's what she deserved—to not be fully content with her life knowing all the people who's lives she's taken.

But then she would think about all the people who's lives she's saved, how many times she was willing to sacrifice herself for the good of others. She knew it wouldn't make up for all of the lives she's ruined, but it gave her some solace, knowing despite her villainous past, she was a hero. She was not her past.

She decided to give Evie some privacy to get settled in. Though it wouldn't take long considering Evie didn't have anything other than what was on her person. She made a mental note to get her some clothes for the amount of time she was going to be staying with them. It was going to be a while.

(A/N): Sup, readers! Hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter—I certainly enjoyed writing it. I found it quite emotional. I wanted to dedicate a chapter highlighting the importance in both the difficulty of redemption and dignity in being a survivor. A little personal message to you guys—One of the worst things you can do is let your past define you. Walk through life with your head held high and don't let those past burdens weigh you down! I hope you take this message to heart.

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