(39) - Family Fall, an Archer's Call

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"Your resignation is not accepted," Regina declared firmly, glaring at David. The two were in the mayor's office, where David was breaking the news to Regina about his retirement.

"Regina, come on-" David attempted to reason.

"Come nothing. You can't just abandon your post to go open a freelance gym! After everything that you've been through for this town, you can't just hand in your badge like they're a pair of pumps you borrowed from me. The sheriff's station needs you."

"The station will be just fine with Emma and Killian. One sheriff and a deputy is enough."

"Charming, your skills are at better use protecting this town!"

"From what?! The Final Battle is over—we're finally at peace. There are no more threats towards Storybrooke that our defenses require all the manpower that we have. A Savior and a pirate captain are more than enough law enforcement for the times that we live in now. A-And quite frankly, this town has become so peaceful, being sheriff has become just downright boring. All I keep myself busy with in this job is patrolling neighborhoods. Emergency phone calls are a rare occurrence and when they do happen, it's Pongo causing a public disturbance, or a person left their microwave on for too long."

"When you're bored with your life, you take a vacation or find a new hobby, not quit your job," Regina argued.

"But what comes with this job just isn't it for me anymore. I want to find my new life's calling and it would mean a lot if I had your support on this."

"I just want to be sure you've thought this through," Regina says, coming from around her desk and standing closer to David. "Your decision just seems to rash and sudden."

"It's actually something I've been considering for a while. I keep thinking about how to put my skills to good use when I realized—I can pass them on. I can teach others how to fight," David says with a look of determination in his face.

"And what if you're too busy 'teaching others to fight', you aren't able to be around to put your skills to make sure we're prepared for any potential dangers that could come out of literally anywhere as they tend to when we least expect it? The station will fall apart without you."

David rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Regina. I'm still gonna be around, and if Emma and Killian are ever in a situation in need any extra muscle, all they have to do is call."

Regina sighed in defeat. "But, the sheriff's station, i-it's-..."

"It's what?" David asked.

"It's a family business!" Regina admits. "It's j-.... it's not going to be the same without you, David."

David crosses his arms and a small smirk of amusement found its way on his face. "So that's what this is about? You're gonna miss me?" he teased.

Regina scoffed but went speechless as David raised an eyebrow at her. "Fine, Charming! I'm going to miss you. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You don't have to Regina. Protecting this town will always be a 'family business'. A job is not going to change anything."

"I really thought that this would be a part of your life you would never have the heart to leave behind," Regina said softly.

"Being sheriff is a part of my life I will cherish for the rest of it... But what's coming with this job is just not adding fulfillment to it, anymore. What the point of living if I can't do what makes me feel alive?"

"And opening a training center is what will?"

"Yes, my place is the battlefield. Nothing makes me feel more alive than when I'm handling my sword or knocking out soldiers. I want to pass that gift on to the next generation. This center could be a great opportunity. I could teach my skills to others, help them find their place in the battlefield. People like Henry. We've been teaching him how to fight, and seeing his face when he's mastered a new move of beaten me in a spar... It's one I never want to stop seeing. Even if people won't need to learn to fight because of the lack of danger around here, there are skills that I think they could really find themselves in."

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