(28) - The First Nor the Last

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"You know I don't even know why I let you drag me along to your death-wish fulfillment attempts anymore?" Carlos asked as Jay helped him steady his foot on the windowsill before the older boy masterly gripped two hands on the roof of Jefferson's house and pulled himself up.

"Because I'm the fun one," the son of Jafar said absentmindedly as he threw his arm down for Carlos to grab his hand to pull himself up.

"No. You're a walking safety hazard. There's a difference," the white-haired boy chuckled as he pulled himself up onto the roof with his best friend's help and sitting next to him as they dangled their feet over the roof of the Mad Hatter's house that overlooked the forest.

"Even back on the Isle, I never knew what you found so enjoyable about dangling off rooftops."

"Always helps clear my head," the brown-haired boy shrugged before he folded his hands and rested them between his legs.

"Can you believe we came to Auradon only a year ago?" the younger boy asked in amazement. "It feels so much longer than that."

"Cotillion, too," Jay added with a small smile.

"I know right," Carlos said as he was reminiscing. "It seems forever since the moment I confessed to Jane my feelings for her."

"So, Carlos..." Jay began, trying to make it seem like he was making nothing more than casual small-talk, "W-When you were going about, you know, asking Jane to Cotillion and telling her how you feel... what did you say?"

Jay looked to Carlos for a response.

Carlos slowly turned his head towards the boy he saw as a brother. "Jay. Jayden Jafar, are you asking me for dating advice?" the son of Cruella De Vil asked with great amusement on his face.

Jay leveled a small glare. "You're taking pleasure in this aren't you?"

"Come on, let me saver this moment!"

"Carlos, please. I am coming to you for help," Jay said, softening his tone.

"Okay," Carlos said, putting his hand on Jay's shoulder. "You want to get the girl. All you have to do..."

"Yeah?" Jay nodded eagerly.

"Is look like me."


"Okay, okay," Carlos said once his fit of laughter settled down. Jay let go of him and sighed deeply.

"If you want Lonnie to know how you feel about her-"

"I never said it was Lonnie."

Carlos raised an eyebrow.

Jay closed his eyes and winced in embarrassment, "That obvious?"

"To everyone except her, don't worry." Carlos continued, "When I was stuck in the friend zone, I realized that there was nothing keeping me there but myself. Women want a guy whose direct and will tell them their feelings straight-up, without hesitation."

"But how do you gets the words out? It's like... every time I talk to her, whenever I try to say what's on my heart- m-my tongue doesn't want to get it out."

"You really like her, don't you?" Carlos smiled softly and Jay's lack of response told him everything he needed to know.

"It just takes the right amount of courage to look her in the eyes and tell her how you truly feel about her. And you're the bravest guy that I know. If anyone can work up that courage," Carlos patted Jay on the shoulder genuinely this time, "it's you."

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