(22) - Red Hats in a Rathole

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Squeaky and Squirmy Smee we're sitting in William Smee's small apartment playing sticks.

Mr. Smee came cane in, upon which the twins looked at him. "Hey," he said nervously. The closest experience he ever had with kids were probably lost boys in Neverland. The closest thing he had to family was his grandmother who died when he was a boy. He adjusted his red hat, the one she knitted for him herself.

"You guys need anything?" he asked nervously, as the two eight-year-olds just looked at him without answering. He had already gotten that they don't talk much. But luckily, working for Captain Hook, he had experience with guessing people's needs.

"Uh, y-you guys hungry? You're probably hungry?" Smee asked before he scrambled to open the fridge and find something to eat.

He paused and had to stop himself from cursing when he realized that he barely had anything in his fridge. And certainly nothing suitable to give to children.

"Uhh... I'll be right back," the first mate said, as he rushed out of the house to get groceries and probably takeout from Granny's considering he didn't know how to cook. Ever since the Jolly Roger crew settled down, Smee had returned to his job in the Enchanted Forest, procuring items. So, he was barely ever home and didn't really care what he ate. Probably not an ideal living style, but he would it would have to improve if he was going to take care of two children for gods know how long.

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