(25) - Swords at Sunset

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Jay and Lonnie were standing at the jukebox, trying find a decent song to brighten the place up. But this endeavor proved difficult seeing as the two swordsmen were completely unfamiliar with the music of the world they were currently in. Well, more like Lonnie was trying her hardest not to attack the machine as Jay was leaning against the wall, trying his hardest not to laugh.

"What are these songs?" the dark-haired girl asked in frustration, completely lost on the artists and music available.

Jay chuckled at her struggle. "I swear, you would perish without music," he teased.

"True—I wouldn't have survived the last season without it," Lonnie admitted.

"...You don't call anymore," Jay said, trying not to make evident the hurt in his voice. It had been a while since Lonnie had called or texted to check in or let them know what was going on.

This got Lonnie's attention she turned away from the jukebox and looked at the son of Jafar. "Been busy, I guess," she shrugged. True, being a professional swordplayer at seventeen was time consuming, especially since she was probably the youngest member there. Obviously, being one of the most professionally inexperienced players in the dome would be a challenge.

However, Jay raised an eyebrow, finding it hard to believe that it would have caused her to seemingly drop off the map. She had been gone for only two months—she has suddenly cut off all contact after a few weeks.

Lonnie has an apologetic look on her face, knowing that wasn't a decent excuse.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Jay said. "Just promise that when you go back next season—well, assuming we do ever get back home... you won't forget about us?"

Lonnie scoffed, "Now, forgetting about you is a very small possibility. I've been trying to do so for a year—proved fatal."

The brown-eyed boy playfully glared as he got up from his leaning position on the wall. "You wanna get out of here?"


"Find out where they keep the swords in this joint. It's been a while since we've sparred, just the two of us," Jay smirked.

"Maybe tomorrow," Lonnie said. "It's getting late."

"Ahh, I see—you're scared of losing," Jay teased.

Lonnie raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in slight amusement. "Really? You think that's going to work on me?"

"Well, I know how fragile your ego is. But then again, your fear of damaging it is probably the reason you don't wanna fight me."

Lonnie chuckled. "You really wanna spar, don't you? I've never seen you so eager to lose," she smirked. "Okay... you're on."


"Ah!" Jay grunted as Lonnie managed to kick his sword out of his hand after a fifteen minute spar. She held her own sword up a few inches from his neck as she smirked.

"I win... again."

Jay sighed as contemplated how he thought challenging Lonnie at the time seemed like a good idea.

They were back at the Fa campsite. It was the first place Lonnie could think of that had easily accessible weapons. The forest was also the most tranquil place where they could spar with no distractions. Tough that didn't stop Jay from being beaten by Lonnie almost every round.

They were both breathing heavily as they decided to take a break. They sat down on a large nearby rock.

Lonnie ran a hand through her hair. "Well, despite the fact that my 'fragile ego' remains untouched, I needed this. It was fun sparring with you again."

"Hey, I wouldn't have made you captain in my place back in Auradon if I wasn't certain you could kick my ass," Jay admitted. He smiled. While he did miss his old ROAR team captain and sparring buddy, he mainly just wanted Lonnie's company. Though he would never admit it, mostly everyone—apart from Lonnie perhaps— knew he would be one of the people who would miss her presence the most.

"Ah, the good ol' days," the daughter of Mulan joked. It had been six months since Cotillion, the day Jay made her captain as a loophole to the 'no girls' rule. After four months, she had won them the championship and a professional ROAR coach approached her and offered her a spot on his team. It was a tough decision considering she had still been a junior at the time and she would have to attend senior year abroad. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she was worried that if she turned it down, she wouldn't get another one, as did her friends and family who convinced her to go—even though she would be missed.

"You know, despite the fact that we're lost in another world with no idea how to get back to ours," Jay started, "...I'm really glad you're here with us."

"Me, too," Lonnie smiled genuinely as they gazed out into the distance and enjoyed the slight breeze that was rare to find in the summer.

They together watched as the sun began to set, gracing the sky with beautiful colors. Lonnie and Jay both loved the sunset, Jay especially, since a clear view of the sun, moon, and stars was one of the things that weren't visible from within the confines of the Isle of the Lost. He had never seen anything like it when he came to Auradon. He found it one of the most truly magical sights nature has to offer.

Jay slowly leaned in to the girl sitting next to him, taking advantage of the quiet moment, before Lonnie shot up, not noticing the gesture. "But now you've got me fired up. Why don't we fight hand-to-hand combat?" she suggested as Jay gave a fake smile and obliged, not sure if he should be annoyed or relieved that Lonnie didn't notice him trying to kiss her as they dropped the blades and got up to spar.

(A/N): Hey, readers, sorry it's taken so long to update. I made a chapter dedicated to my favorite ship. Jonnie fans, hope you enjoyed. I know, I know, you guys want more content of the kids bonding with their parents and I swear it's coming. I want to thank you all for your suggestions and stay tuned!

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