(1) - Be Careful What You Wish For

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"M, are you sure about this?" Evie asked her best friend while fidgeting with her fingers as they were planning to meet the Evil Queen.

"Evie," Mal firmly turned to face her best friend. "You can't avoid your mother forever. Now that the barrier is down forever, you're bound to face her at one point. Remember what Ben said—t's a time for forgiveness, new beginnings. I always thought I would never be able to reconcile with my father, but look at me now," Mal smiled.

"But you're father never expected anything of you. I became everything my mother disapproved of. She's going to hate me," Evie inhaled sharply.

Mal took her hand. "There's only one way to know for sure. Don't worry, I'll be next to you the whole time."

The Evil Queen was in awe of Auradon, how much everything had changed since she was last a free woman. She breathed in a breath of fresh air with a joyful expression that dropped upon seeing her daughter approaching her.

Evie has a nervous smile on her face. "Hello, Mother."

The Evil Queen looked disapprovingly. "Evelyn. I never expected you to show your face to me again, not after you stained our family name."

Evie felt the tears forming in her eyes at her mother's words. She squeezed Mal's hand to reassure herself that her best friend was still there for support.

"I mean, look at Mal. She managed to not only find herself a prince, but a king! The wretched daughter of Maleficent is on her way to becoming a monarch."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Evie said to her mother, but she continued.

"And what have you done with your life? You're single-"

"Actually, I have an amazing boyfriend named Doug. One you'll never have the pleasure of meeting."

This caught Grimhilde's attention. "Is he royalty?"

"N-No, he's the son of Dopey."

The Evil Queen paused in shock. "...The dwarf?"

Evie slowly nodded, slightly frightened. Her mother gagged and closed her eyes as she shook her head in disbelief.

Evie couldn't take it anymore. She wouldn't wait for her mother's degrading comment. She just decided to get the hell out of there. She ran through the crowd with tears streaming down her face. Mal followed closely behind to comfort her best friend, regretting making her face her mother.


Uma was at the snack bar when she saw a flash of blue whoosh past her. Then a whoosh of purple. She saw Evie running for dear life and Mal not far behind. Though she wouldn't admit it out loud, she was worried about the two.

She walked over to Gil who was now by himself as he was previously talking to Jay about plans taking a gap year and traveling the world. "Hey, have you seen Evie and Mal run past you by any chance?"

"Yeah, Mal was here and she took Jay with her, said she didn't have time to explain but Evie needed them," he said with his classic clueless grin.

"Same thing happened to Carlos," Jane chimed in, joining the two.

Uma thought for a moment. "Where's Harry?" she asked Gil.

"I... think he's with CJ," the son of Gaston answered.

"Let's go."

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