(2) - Welcome to Storybrooke

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"Who the hell are you?!"

"Regina," a blonde woman with green eyes and wore a red leather scolded. She carefully approached the kids. "My name is Emma. Do you kids know where you are?"

"You mean," Mal asked shakily, "this is isn't Auradon?"

"Just when I was getting used to things being normal around here," a brown-haired woman with bright blue eyes and was carrying a baby that was presumably Gideon sighed.

"I'm afraid not," Emma said gently at the four teenagers, with a bit of sympathy.

"Auradon?" a woman with smooth black hair in a bob and green eyes that were scarily similar to the Emma said. "Is that the realm you're from?"

"Realm?" Jay said, confused.

"Okay," the blonde woman said. "I know this might be a lot for you to process at the moment... so I'm going to take you kids to the sheriff's station and explain to you there and find a way to get you four back to this Auradon?" the woman looked back at the party towards a few select people for confirmation.

"Go ahead," a blonde man with blue eyes, carrying a toddler nodded at Emma. "Will you need any help?"

"No, I'll just have Killian meet me there." Emma lead all four kids to a yellow bug where they started driving to this sheriff's station while Emma made a phone call to this 'Killian'.

The man immediately answered. On the other end of the line, the four children heard a man with a British accent. "I know, I know, Swan, I'm late to the party, but the cake-"

"Yeah, change of plans. In the middle of the party, there are four teenagers who apparently dropped out of the sky and we need to explain to them the concept of inter dimensional travel and figure out a way to get them back home. Do you mind meeting me at the station. And bring Henry, he's better at explaining this sort of thing."

"Will do," was the last thing he said before he hung up.

There was an awkward silence in the car.

"Sorry if our unexpected arrival interrupted your friend's party," Evie apologized.

"It's alright. Believe it or not, this sort of thing happens a lot more often than you would believe. But, you're arrival was just a lot more... peaceful than the ones we're used to," she chuckled.

They made their way inside the station. Where they met Killian, Regina, and Henry.

She kissed Killian on the cheek before turning to her friend who'd she's left at the party.

"Regina, when did you get here?"

"Well, this is my town. Did you really think I would sit out on something like this?"

"What do you mean, this is your town? Are you the mayor?" Evie asked.

"Ninth term, all unopposed," Regina smiled proudly.

Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "Wasn't my mom mayor fo-"

"We don't talk about that brief tenure," Regina said before turning back to the kids. "As mayor, I would like to officially welcome you to Storybrooke."

"Storybrooke?" Carlos asked. "That's a weird name," he said to Regina.

"Well, I didn't name the town," Regina said.

"No, you just created it," Killian said.

The Storybrookers could sense the children's confusion, so Henry took it upon himself to explain.

He went into his backpack and took out a large, old-looking book, titled 'Once Upon a Time'.

"Are you guys familiar with the concept of other worlds?"

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