(13) - Hearts of Gold

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The whole ride from Granny's to Gold residence, Ben was fidgeting, nervous to be living in the same household as the Rumplestiltskin. While Ben was probably the most accepting person with the biggest capacity for forgiveness one may ever meet... one may understand his nervousness to be living under the same roof as someone called the 'Dark One', with a wicked streak that may even rival the Mistress of Evil's.

They walked inside Gold's large house, with Rumple leading the way, Belle holding Gideon, and Ben trailing shyly behind.

Rumple turned to Ben as he put his arm around his wife. "I'm sure it goes without saying that our home is your home. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, and you may go anywhere you like, but it is better that you avoid the refrigerator because that is where I store the flayed skins of babies I use in my spells."

Ben's eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat as Belle playfully smacked her husband for scaring the boy.

Rumple broke into an amused smile. "Joking."

"Oh," Ben gave a nervous chuckle, but still gulped at the thought.

"Come on," Belle gestured for her alternate son to follow her as she handed Gideon to Rumple.

She guided him up the stairs and opened the door to a large, spacey guest room. Ben immediately turned his attention to the bookshelf in the corner. It was very aesthetically pleasing with a marvel of different books.

Belle smiled, thankful that her lucky guess that her alternate son took after his mother's love of literature turned out to be correct.

Ben turned back to Belle. "I don't know how to thank you for you and Mr. Gold's hospitality, especially since you don't know me."

"Well, a hero never turns their back on anyone, even strangers, let alone their own child... or a child of another version of them," Belle quickly revised her statement when she saw the evident uncomfortableness on Ben's face upon referring to him as her child.

"It's seems that you heroes in Storybrooke take your job seriously," Ben said.

"Eh, I leave the heroic work to the experts. I'm more of the research girl."

Ben raised an eyebrow, knowing how untrue that was. He had read Henry's book and seen his alternate mother's adventures. True, she may not be skilled in physical combat or gifted with magic like the others, but her wit and compassion is what makes her bravery unique.

He especially found it hilarious how in her time as Rumplestiltskin's servant, he would always try to act menacing to her and she just giggled and was like, 'You're cute, you know that?'.

"So, dinner will be ready in a couple hours, and then it's lights out. I'm sure you must be hungry," she said, and left the room, leaving Ben to his thoughts.

He massages his head after taking off his crown and putting it on the bedside table. He couldn't get his mind off Auradon. What would the people think? Where would they think their king has gone? What would his parents think? Ben now wanted to know more than anything what the people who raised him would think of the situation he was in.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes as he laid down on the bed, fear filling him at the thought of never seeing his kingdom again. Soon enough, the thoughts faded as he drifted off into sleep.

Ben's eyes were closed and his ears were muffled. He was brought back to his senses when he realized he was unable to breath.

He looked around—he was surrounded by water. He was drowning, which was usual considering he knew how to swim pretty well and had never had any problems with the water before.

He heard the muffled sound of someone calling out to him. "Ginny!" he heard. Ginny?

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt himself losing consciousness from the lack of oxygen, still unable to swim for his life no matter how hard he tried.

Then it was just darkness.

Ben awoke with a gasp, feeling his body drenched in cold sweat, wondering what the hell that was. He needed to get some air.

He opened the door to his room, to find Mr. Gold with his fist up, about to knock. The pawnbroker was confused, seeing his alternate son's state. "Everything alright there, Benjamin?"

Ben tried to play it off. "Yeah... just a bad dream."

"Alright, well, my wife sent me up here to inform you that dinner's ready, if you're still hungry."

Ben nodded, "Yeah, I'll be down in a second, thank you."


The Gold-French family was having dinner in silence, unsure what to say to each other. The only sound heard in the dining room was that of Gideon's gurgling on his high-chair as his mother fed him.

"So, Ben," Belle attempted conversation as she returned to her own meal after feading Gideon. "How was life back in Auradon?"

Ben didn't know where to start. He loved his life. He loved the difference he was making as king, he loved his friends, he loved Mal. "Well, um, it's good i-it's great, actually. I'm graduating high school next year, and I'll be able to focus on my duties as king and marry my fiancé-"

Rumple and Belle choked on their food. The boy was seventeen and was getting married? They had noticed a ring on his finger, but they had assumed it was a class ring or family heirloom of sorts, not an engagement ring.

They were shocked at how young kids in Auradon were expected to grow up. But, they chose not to say anything. He may be a kid, but they weren't his real parents and had no right to question nor criticize his life choices.

Ben, completely clueless, asked if he may be excused. Belle said yes and chuckled at his manners while Gold smiled at how similar the boy was to his alternate mother.

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