(29) - Sense of Security

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It was the next morning at the Swan-Jones household and Emma Swan was making her famous pancakes.

Killian watched his lovely wife cook as he put on his leather jacket. Even in the summer, Maine's weather was never too hot for anything you would want to wear. Which was fortunate for Captain Hook, considering he was one of those people who were never one to wear clothes without sleeves. It just felt so unnatural to him.

The couple exchanged loving glances at each other from the kitchen to the living room before they heard a pair of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Mornin'," Harry said to the two, setting his sights on the front door.

"Uh uh," Emma said to the teen before tapping the counter. "Breakfast first."

Harry raises an eyebrow before picking up a pancake from the plate Emma had put in front of him. He examined the round food before throwing it back in the plate and sighing.

"Come on, lad. Sit on the table," Killian gestured with his head as he and Emma set up breakfast, something they take very seriously in the Charming family.

"Here," Emma smiled as she handed Harry a mug.

"What is this?" the son of Captain Hook asked, looking closely at the drink.

"Hot cocoa with cinnamon," the blonde Savior answered as though the question offended her.

The family ate peacefully until they heard another pair of faster-paced footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey Harry, Killy, Swanny," the daughter of Captain Hook greeted as she too made a beeline for the door.

"Um, and where do you think you're going?" Emma asked her, making the younger blonde to stop and turn in confusion.

"To meet up with Freddie. Why?"

"Do you kids not have breakfast where you're from?" Emma asked sarcastically, causing the siblings to look at each other and resist the urge to burst into laughter.

"Have something to eat," Emma insisted, causing CJ to slowly stalk towards the table with her brows furrowed before taking a seat in the chair between Killian and Harry.

"So... how are you liking Storybrooke so far?" Killian asked with a smile, causing his wife to softly laugh and shake her head at his attempt at small-talk.

"...A little too quiet for me liking, but okay," CJ shrugged with a smirk before gulping down a cup of hot cocoa.

"And you, Harry?"

The younger boy shrugged. "A little less dangerous for me liking, but tolerable."

"Where were you going? Maybe I can drive you?" Killian offered, which caused Emma to snort. The pirate captain had been taking driving lessons from the sheriff and is enjoying them a little to much.

"I'm pretty sure Henry can drive better than you at this point, but why not?" Emma said, getting up. "I gotta be on my way to work anyway. You can just meet me at the station when you've dropped the kids off." She kisses Killian on the cheek before opening the door, taking the keys to the sheriff's car, meaning she'd left Killian the yellow bug.

They group finished the first meal of the day with an awkward silence before getting up. "Well, let's be on our way, shall we?" Killian said, getting up.

"I appreciate the offer," CJ said before taking the last pancake off her plate and getting up a little too eagerly, "But I would prefer to walk." She grabbed her sword and sheathed it on her hip and casually walked out of the house, pancake still in-hand.

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