His Cute Confession (Mitobe Rinnosuke x Reader)

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Here's a request from @briannay :) Glad she requested Mitobe-chan, I love him too.

Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to comment, guys :)


You liked Mitobe Rinnosuke.


Your friends would often ask you why. Why, why, why oh why? He never even talked for crying out loud and it seemed like he didn't care about girls or romantic stuffs either.

Well, you couldn't help it. You couldn't really describe it. It's like the feeling would overflow from somewhere else. All you could say was that:

Even if people are against it and you knew you can't make the cut, once you realize that feeling.. it's unstoppable.

And in your case, even if he didn't like you back.

Or so you thought..

Because the truth was, he liked you too.

He sat behind you in class and all the while, he would stare at your back. He would smile in secret whenever he sees you smile, you would take his breath away whenever you flip your [hair color] hair, and he couldn't help but fall for you deeper and deeper each day.

He loved you as much as you loved him. Or perhaps, even more than you did.

But the problem was, he didn't know how to tell you. He didn't know how to confess his feelings to you. So that's why he never made a move.

And that was a huge problem since it's already Valentines day and there were some guys wanting to date you..

You groaned miserably as you opened your bag and saw that you left your pencil case at home. Yes it was Valentines day, but your sweet teacher still gave you a dreadful exam.

Ugh. Just because she doesn't have a date doesn't mean she can make my day miserable too..

But your mental ranting stopped and you flinched when you felt that strong feeling of being stared at. You looked around you but your classmates were all busy muttering incoherent complaints while facing their testpapers. You gulped then you turned around, and you met Mitobe's worried gaze.

"Eh?" Blushing, you gave him a curious look. "W-Why?"

He gave you the pencil he was holding and then smiled at you after. His features were striking and his smile was gentle. He didn't talk, which was normal, and just stared at you with a smile. And you swore to God you'd melt any minute.

"T-Thanks." You stuttered, returning his smile. You reached your hand out to get the pencil, your fingers gently brushing against his long ones for the shortest moment. Whether you did that on purpose or not, it's up to you. [A/N: HAHAHA. ON PURPOSE. XP]

You shyly turned your attention back on your own testpaper and stared at the pencil on your hand. Your inner self was giggling and freaking out, you definitely wouldn't return the pencil anymore. As in, not ever! It's a special memento from your crush after all.

Halfway through the test and everyone was already concentrating, including you. You didn't want to fail that test so you were trying to get every item right. But in the midst of your concentration, a crumpled little piece of paper landed on your desk. Frowning, you jerked your annoyed little fingers to pick it up then looked around you. None seemed to care.

"What the fudge.." You murmured, opening up the paper to get a clue who was it's owner so that you could pulverize them later after class.


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