Say My Name (Akashi Seijuro x Reader)

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Can somebody tell me why Akashi Seijuro is perfect?


Anyway, please do check out my Akashi ff "His Highness, Her Majesty" :) It's a royal lovestory. lol

And thanks for the 41k+ reads on this book even though I'm a snail on my updates. You guys are the best! B)


"Akashi-kun?" You knocked on the door, nervously waiting for a response. "Can I come in?"

You heard a sigh then he spoke, "Yeah, come in."

You opened the door then walked into the empty locker room, immediately seeing him with his elbows on his knees.

"Are you alright?" You stood still as you faced him a few steps away. "It was a great game."

He straightened up but didn't make eye contact with you. "Thanks."

You didn't dare say a word after that as you remained fidgetting on your spot. You honestly didn't know how to comfort him, not when he was like that. He looked so down. It's the first time that he has ever lost. And by the looks of it, it would take some time for him to recover.

You were bestfriends ever since you could remember so you knew Akashi very well. You two were so close, inseparable in fact. But when you two entered Middle School, you began to develop romantic feelings for the red-headed ikemen. You knew that what you were feeling for him didn't stand a chance and so you never even thought about confessing.

However, it was during the summer of your second year when he told you that he loves you as more than just a friend. That moment was like a dream come true. And of course, you said yes. Nobody loved him as much as you did.

Every day you spent with him was perfect and you couldn't ask for more.

Until one day, it happened..

You didn't know how, but he just changed all of a sudden. Not even the Generation of Miracles figured out why. One of his beautiful fiery eyes turned yellow and his attitude became too much to handle. He became too controlling and he started to rule everything with an iron fist. It shocked you, his changes were too much for you to take. He became so creepy.. or scary? You didn't know. It was as if there was a thick wall separating the both of you.

You couldn't even look at him in the eyes anymore because if you do, he'd definitely flip. As he kept on saying, only those who serve him could do so. And as far as you knew, he didn't need you anymore.

Not anymore.

"Why are you standing there, (First Name)?" There was a soft smile on his lips as he gestured for you to come closer.

You flinched, "Eh?" Then reluctantly, you slowly took a couple of steps until you were finally in front of him.

Your heart began to lose it's beat. He seemed different. Or was it safe to say that he was simply back to the 'Akashi' you learned to love?

"I missed you so much, (First Name)." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He buried his face on your stomach, making you gasp in utter confusion and surprise.


"You used to call me Seijuro."

Your eyes widened, "But you said.."

Yeah, he actually told you to never call him by his first name again. The memory itself was painful. It was the very same day he suddenly showed up with a golden eye.

"Forget what I said, (First Name). From now on, everything will be back to the way it used to be."

You pondered at his words, not sure if you were really hearing the right thing. He unwrapped his arms around you then he stood up and towered over your small, delicate figure. While you just stood there, feeling so stupid because you couldn't even utter a word. He took you by surprise, you weren't expecting any of it.

He tilted your chin upwards, and his touch made you gulp nervously. "Say my name, (First Name). I want to hear you say my name again."


You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering. Though nobody could blame you, you were still dazed. Confused too.

"One more time."

You took in a breath and smiled softly, finally coming back to planet Earth. "Seijuro."

He inched his face forward, capturing your lips into a slow, electrifying kiss. You closed your eyes, savouring the sweet taste of his lips. And from the way he moved his mouth against yours, to the way he would trail his hand up and down your side, you could feel his love and longing. When he finally pulled away, Akashi smirked upon seeing your perfectly bruised lips.

"You still taste so sweet, my empress." He cooed into your ear, then smoothly kissing your temple after.

You bit your lower lip and blushed uncontrollably, "M-Mou! S-Stop it."

A soft chuckle escaped him as he looked at you lovingly. Even though you didn't know what's happening to him, because clearly he wasn't making any sense, you still couldn't help yourself from feeling so happy and relieved. Relieved that he's not just okay, but back to his old self even. His team losing to Seiren sure made everything possible.

And speaking of Seiren..

You looked up at your boyfriend's handsome face, "Tetsuya-kun invited me to their victory party. He was hoping that you could come too."

"Sorry, I can't." He smiled at you seductively then leaned closer, pressing his soft lips against your ear. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, (First Name). So you better ditch the party because you'll be spending the night at my house."

"Eh? B-But.." Your whole body felt like burning because of the idea of spending an entire night with the Akashi Seijuro.

What would the two of you possibly do?

Oh god! Somebody slap me!

Akashi grinned once again, "No BUTS, that's an order."

You shrieked when he suddenly grabbed your hand, dragging you with him as you both made your way out of the locker room.

He gently squeezed your hand, "I love you, (First Name). And I'll never hurt you again, I promise."

You smiled and nodded your head, "I love you too, Seijuro."

He returned the same smile then brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles.

"I love it when you say my name.."


//continues working on a requested What If XD

Another What If They Were Your Father ft. Kiyoshi, Nijimura, Himuro, Hanamiya, Ogiwara, Takao, Izuki, and Kasamatsu.

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