Valentines Date Proposal (Kise Ryouta x Reader)

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Requested by my beautiful Jhay-nee, @bacanijhay :)



You aimlessly stared at the view outside the window as the class went on. Your boring-and-wrinkly-faced-bald teacher was discussing something about Molecular Energy and you didn't even bother to listen. You wished he would just shut his big mouth and take a step out of the classroom so that you could sleep or read fanfics on your phone.

You looked around you then sighed.

See? Your classmates didn't even care about molecular shit either. All they were talking about was Valentines Day---which was tomorrow.

You nearly rolled your eyes and scoffed. Ridiculous. That's the exact time of the year where you could smell chocolates and flowers everywhere in the campus---even in the restrooms. Couples would huddle close together, girls would wear pompous flirtatious outfits, and boys would act like gods just because girls give them chocolates as a sign of love.

Too much hassle.

Why do they even bother to make a fuss out of that day, anyway?

As a no-boyfriend-since-birth bitch, you couldn't relate at all. So that was why every year, you'd just watch those helpless girls giggle and squeal around you in a bored stupor.

You weren't a loner, you just didn't want to waste time and strength on nonsense things. All you ever cared about was reading and writing fanfictions on Wattpad, or getting good grades when you feel like it. So having a boyfriend or confessing to a guy was way, waayyyyy out of the question.

As soon as the bell rang, signalling for lunch break, you stretched your arms up and yawned. That boring-and-wrinkly-faced-bald teacher certainly had the power to drag anyone into sleep with his boring lectures and discussions. How old was he, anyway? He should retire. Maybe the school would replace him with someone younger and hotter---for the sake of inspiration and eye candies.

You facepalmed.

Maybe there was something wrong with you, too. The old man meant no harm.

With your phone in your hand, you exited the classroom and trudged towards the hallway then to your locker to get something. But while walking, you couldn't help but notice all the odd stares that the people around were giving you.

The heck.

But being you, you simply brushed it away and just focused your eyesight ahead. You were just about to turn into the corner when you did a double take and gasped as your eyes finally caught sight of something.

Or many somethings...

There were posters around, stuck on the hallways, with your faces on them.

"What the fuck is this?!" you exclaimed, fully shocked.

So that was why they were giving you odd stares. You were like some Wanted Criminal walking around and you didn't even know.


You strode towards the wall and harshly ripped away one of the posters. Gritting your teeth, you read what's written on the piece of paper.

Please be my date tomorrow, [Fullname].

You dropped your jaw and suddenly felt like melting. There was somebody asking you out on a date on freaking Valentines Day.

But who?


You turned around and saw your classmate, Kise Ryouta. You were friends with him since he was your project partner always. You liked him as a person because even though he was famous and popular, he remained nice and down to earth. Well, except maybe when he'd start waving to his fangirls which was pretty annoying.

"Kise, what is it? I'm sorry. I'm busy now. Can we talk later?" you said politely then turned your back, continuing to remove the posters on the wall.

If the senseis would discover the whole romantic shit, you would be spending Valentines Day in detention. Alone. It was your face on the goddamn posters and the one who put them there to ask you out didn't even left a single clue. You'd be damned but when you see the guy, you'd really punch him in the face.

"But [Name]cchi, I spent hours to stick them there. Don't remove them yet."

With that, you stiffened up. Did you hear it right? He was the one asking you out on a date? Him? The Kise Ryouta?

Okay. You changed your mind.

You took back what you said. There was no way in hell you could punch his handsome face.

You didn't dare turn around to look at him because you knew you were furiously blushing. The beating of your heart had gone beyond abnormal pace, like it was going to explode any minute. Clearing your throat, you grabbed another poster and was just about to rip it away when a hand stopped you. It held the poster in place, making it impossible for you to pull it away.

"Let go, Kise! The teachers will see this." You looked around, panicking. Thankfully, there were no teachers around, only a crowd of curious, mingling students that were watching you both like what's happening was a soap opera scene.

"Answer my question first." He stared at you seriously, and you gulped. Because it was the same look he would always show when he'd play basketball seriously. "Will you be my valentine?"

You swore to God, your heart stopped beating for a moment due to what he said. His voice was low and husky and you couldn't utter a word properly. "U-Uhm... W-Why me?"

He gave you a warm smile, like he was delighted he didn't receive a straight No. Yet. "Because I like you, [Name]cchi. You're fun, fresh, and cool."

"I sound like a deodorant," you whined, cheeks flaring up with his compliment. Well, if it was even a compliment.

He laughed out loud then tackled you into a hug, causing you to drop the posters you piled up in your hand. "I knew it. I can't imagine myself being with someone else tomorrow but you."

"Jeez... People are staring, let me go." You squirmed against his grip but to no avail. The students around were beginning to squeal and giggle while Kise's fangirls sulked at a corner.

"Say yes first."

You took another few seconds to think things through before your answer cleared up your mind. "Okay. Yes, I would love to go out on a date with you tomorrow."

"But [Name]cchi, I wasn't asking you to be my date anymore."

Surprised, you pushed him away then looked at him with widened eyes. "What?"

He smiled and cupped your chin, tilting it up for him to look directly into your eyes. "I changed my question just a while ago."

When you didn't reply, he continued..

"Will you be my girlfriend, [Name]cchi?"

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