Stuck With A Creep (Midorima Shintaro x Reader)

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A Midoribae request from @Kawaguchi_Shana :) This is to make up for 'Obssessed Demons' where I made Shin-chan an Obssessed Lover lol.



He was once your lover.


The creep who would carry ridiculous things around which he calls his lucky items and truly believed in horoscopes as if all his life depended on it. The creep who could shoot a perfect three pointer anywhere inside the court without even having a hard time. The creep who would add 'nanodayo' to his sentences and was always serious like an old ray of sunshine. The creep who told you your eyes were beautiful and made you fall for him that very instant. The creep who couldn't even say iloveyou to his girlfriend without stuttering. The creep who made you cry because of his insensitivity and indifference. The creep you wanted to forget but couldn't..

The creep that goes with the name Midorima Shintaro.

The relationship you had was bittersweet, a mixture of laughters and fights. Well, mostly fights. All your opinions and views clashed, your attitudes contradict, and your feelings weren't mutual. You liked him, but you were not sure if he felt the same.

A tsundere boyfriend is cute. But sometimes, they're just a total pain from the behind..

The buzzing of your phone pulled you out of your thoughts. You composed yourself and looked around, some of your classmates had already gone out to look around the booths set outside the campus lawn. It was Valentines Day, and the Student Council had made some changes of the School Tradition. And one of them was making Valentines Day an official event. Classes were shortened and majority of the whole student population were busy celebrating the said occasion. Well, except maybe those single kids who didn't have a partner.

And you, darling, was on top of the list.


No boyfriend..

From a bad break-up..


But okay with it.

Who cares about relationSHITS anyway? They're not meant to last forever. You're not going to waste anymore strength and effort for something that doesn't last a lifetime.

[A/N: Credits to @bacanijhay for the 'relationSHITS'. LOL]

You're done being the only one holding on. For once, you wanted to just sit around, have fun, and make the most out of your life. With no boyfriend to think about, and no tsundereness to deal with.

From: Takao-kun

Subject: Oy!

Message Body: Hey, [Name]-chan. Where are you? I've been looking all over for you. Meet me outside the basketball gym. I have something very important to say.

You frowned, a little bit worried and concerned about the important matter he wanted to discuss. You immediately fixed your things and headed out to meet Takao.

*   *   *

"What the hell?" You immediately blurted out as soon as you reached the gym where Takao was waiting. With Midorima. "You said it's important?"

"This is important. A matter of life and death." He said with a grin, grabbing your left arm. "Just trust me with this, I'm sure you're gonna thank me after."

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