What If They Got Jealous Of Your Child/Children..

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A request from my kawaii Tsukicchi, @tsukixx ;)



♥ ♥ ♥

- Kuroko Tetsuya -

Kuroko was relieved when finally, weekend came. Being a teacher was nice, but sometimes he misses being with you all day long. And so he planned to spend his day off with you, take you somewhere or just cuddle with you in your bedroom.


His brows furrowed when he saw that you were already gone and that the space beside him was already long cold and empty. He sighed, grabbed his eyeglasses and crawled out of bed without even caring to put on his shirt. He stepped out of your room with only his boxers on, showing his pale, smooth skin and six-pack abs.

And there, he found you with your two daughters and one son. You were in the living room, teaching your children how to write and draw with some art materials on the small table.

"Look, Mama! I draw a horsey."

"Wow. That's nice." You giggled, patting your three-year-old son's head proudly.

"I draw one too. Look, Mom." Your eldest daughter, which was already five years old, also bragged.

You also ruffled her adorable teal-colored hair. "That pony is cute too, [Daughter's Name]."

While your middle child, which was a year younger than the eldest, remained silent as she continued drawing some cute little stars. She kind of got the attitude of her father.

Kuroko just smiled at the wonderful view and came closer. He sat on the couch, getting your attention.

"Good morning", he greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, papa!" Your children happily exclaimed, giving him a bunch of kisses and hugs. And shortly after that, resumed on their drawings.

"Do you want anything, Tetsuya?" You asked sweetly, giving him a small smile.

He nodded, his fringe moving gracefully together with his head. "I want-"

"Breakfast?" You cut him off, not noticing how he frowned. You stood up and walked to the kitchen. "I prepared you pancakes for breakfast. Come here, honey."

Kuroko only blinked his bespectacled eyes owlishly. What he was going to say was that he wanted some of your time. But instead of correcting you, he just brushed that off and followed you in the kitchen.

"What time did you wake up?" He asked softly, moving closer to you.

You poured some fresh milk on a glass then glanced at him. "I woke up at five. I heard [Son's Name] crying because of a nightmare."

Kuroko positioned himself at your back, he was about to wrap his arms around your waist when you moved aside and went to the sink to wash your hands. He followed you with his eyesight, quite disappointed.

"If there's anything you want, just call me, okay? I'll get back to the kids." Then without hearing his reply, you hurriedly left him alone.

Kuroko sighed deeply and slid down to the chair infront of his breakfast. Lately, you haven't been giving him attention. He wanted to spend more time with you but you couldn't spare him some of yours. He knew you were just busy with your children, but somehow, he couldn't stop his jealousy from bubbling up deep within him.

Hours passed and you found Kuroko on the couch, staring at you as you were cleaning up your children's mess. They were taking their nap and so you took the opportunity to clean the house.

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