What If They Were Your Father (Part II)

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Requested by @nekochansaysnyaa :)


Kiyoshi Teppei

"I am so dead.."

You miserably ran your fingers through your hair, pulling at the roots as you continued groaning aloud. You couldn't believe it.

You screwed up.

You failed your Biology Final Exam and now you had to retake it this summer. You would spend every single minute you'd have on studying and you would surely miss out on your life.

You were a failure and you didn't even know how to tell that to your parents---especially to your kind father who had high expectations from you. He even helped you study for the past few weeks and been giving you too much encouragement and moral support.

How on Earth did you possibly fail that test?

"[Name]-chan? Are you there?" You heard your kind father's voice coming from the other side of your door.

You panicked, quickly hiding your testpapers inside a drawer. Then you composed yourself, fixing your hair and wiping away the miserable look on your face. "Yes, Dad. The door is open, come in."

Kiyoshi Teppei waited for a few seconds before pushing the door open. His giant stature came into view, instantly giving you one of his gentle smiles the minute your gazes met. He walked closer, sitting down at the edge of your bed.

"Hi, Dad," you greeted with a sly smile, nervously fiddling with your fingers above your lap.

"I noticed you were kind of down and silent earlier during dinner. What is wrong, [Name]-chan?" he asked softly yet seriously, giving you a worried look. "Do you have a problem?"

You bit the insides of your lower lip then looked down to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Dad. I tried my best, I didn't want to disappoint you.. But I still failed the exam. I'm so sorry for letting you down..."

Your kind father stared at you for a minute with those gentle eyes of his before smiling softly. He placed one large hand on top of your head, ruffling your [Hair Color] locks. "That's okay, [Name]-chan. Stop crying."

You wiped your tears away then sniffed like a little child, raising your head to study his expression. "You're not mad?"

"I know you did your best. I'm your father, I know you more than anyone else does." Then his smile widened. "And besides, there's a retake, right? I'm sure you can pass it this time."

You remained idle for a good minute, thinking how it was so much easier to tell the truth to your father that you failed than to keep quiet and lie like what you did during supper. Your Mom had been asking you how your exam went and all you did was smile and tell them it was fine. You were never good with lying, so it was very difficult keeping the truth from them.

"W-What if I fail the retake, Dad?" you tried asking in a shaky voice, regretting to ever ask such a stupid question. It only sounded like you were planning on failing that damn exam again.

Oh, how stupid of you.

Kiyoshi blinked his eyes a couple of times, looking at you as if your hair had mysteriously turned red with unmistakably black highlights on the tips. "You almost sounded like your Uncle Kagami! Your mother will kill us, [Name]-chan."

You couldn't help but chortle at his reaction. Then after a few moments, you cringed in fear at the image of a furious Aida Riko scolding you for failing your exam the second time. "I wasn't joking, I was asking you seriously. But it doesn't matter, I won't let you down again---you and Mom. I promise."

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