Netflix And... Chill? (Aomine Daiki x Reader) LEMON

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Hello, everyone.
I hope you're all doing great.

This is also something that I wrote years ago lol. I just changed some details and fixed some grammar lapses.

WARNING: Sexual Content.


Netflix and... Chill? (Aomine Daiki x Reader) LEMON


Your brows furrowed as you peered at your boyfriend beside you who seemed restless. He kept on glancing at you with that intense gaze of his. "What's wrong, Daiki?"

"Don't you feel something strange, [Name]?"

"Huh?" Confused, you looked around but nothing seemed out of place. "The only strange one here is you. Don't stare at me like that. It's like you're planning to eat me up or something."

And, as though you'd hit the spot, Aomine Daiki stiffened up. But then after a few seconds, he resumed his current task of trying to melt you with his passionate stare.

"I want you, [Name]. Right now."

The popcorn you were supposed to shove inside your mouth fell to your chest then down to your lap. You turned to him with wide eyes, completely surprised. "You're kidding, right?"

It was Saturday night. Your boyfriend here had suggested that you watch a movie together on Netflix. Netflix and Chill as what he said. It was very rare for him to suggest something "romantic" like that so you agreed almost immediately.

Aomine Daiki prepared dinner for you as soon as you arrived, he even bought your favorite dessert and treated you like a queen all night. It made you happy. After all, he wasn't usually like that.

But what you didn't know was that while you were both watching [Favorite Movie on Netflix], sitting side by side on the couch, he was getting aroused. Just the mere fact that you were currently alone in his house was enough reason to fill his mind with unnecessary fantasies of you ending up writhing under him on his bed.

"[Name]," he whispered in a sultry voice, getting rid of his shirt in one swift movement, revealing his toned upper body. "I don't have enough will to resist my desire to touch you right now."

"S-Shut up," you sputtered, getting up from your seat. Without thinking, you ran away from him with your bowl of popcorn in tow. You ended up in the kitchen with your back pressed against the counter, glaring at Aomine Daiki who followed you quickly. "Don't you dare come closer to me, Daiki. You're a sly bastard, don't you know that?"

He was eyeing you up like a predator watching its prey as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Calling your own boyfriend a bastard isn't really nice."

"Oh, shut your mouth. And here I thought you were finally being romantic, turns out you just wanted to... to..."

Smirking, Aomine Daiki teased you even more by whispering on your ear. "To fuck?"

Blood roared in your ears as you felt your cheeks slowly heating up at what he said and the sexy tone he used, your grip on the bowl of popcorn tightening up. "You're seducing me, aren't you?"

You didn't even have to ask because, clearly, he was. The way he was looking at you passionately with those dark blue eyes of his was more than enough for the desire inside of you to rear its ugly head.

"Well, I can't just force myself on you, can I?" he started, tucking a few strands of your hair behind your ear. Then he gently caressed your soft lips with his fingers as he added, "You have to want me, too."

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