His Writer, Her Reader (Mayuzumi Chihiro x Reader)

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For @SuperDuperLame ;) Thank you for requesting.

I dunno but I loved writing this one. I can relate because I'm a writer haha. And I personally like Chihiro, he's cute. Though nvm the unpleasant attitude. lol


Too cheesy, makes my skin crawl. Got anything new?

You just sighed when you read that comment from your reader-slash-hater-slash-critique-slash-schoolmate, Mayuzumi Chihiro.

In all honesty, you were used to him being rude like that. Everytime you update a chapter of your story in Wattpad, he was always the first one to read it. He would read it, vote for it, and would never fail to give a nasty comment. He was confusing, really. You didn't know what's up with him. If he didn't like your book, then he should've just stopped reading it in the first place.

You decided to talk to him, sending him a private message.

You: Hey. You know, just stop reading if you don't like my book. Please, thanks.

It didn't even take a minute when his reply arrived.

CMayuzumi: What? Can't handle rude comments?

You: Actually, I deserve props. I've been putting up with you and your rudeness for the last few months. Why do you keep on reading and then complaining?

CMayuzumi: I don't know.

You: What is your problem with me and my book?

He didn't reply for awhile, and you patiently waited. Mayuzumi wasn't your friend, you've never even talked at all. He was always silent, distant, alone, and sometimes, very rude. So many of your schoolmates didn't really care about reaching out to him. Actually, none seemed to care about him and his existence. Except for the basketball team and your cousin, Akashi Seijuro.

You didn't like him at first because of his attitude, but as time passed by, you've grown to like him. He was real cute, he was good in basketball too, and most especially, you have the same interest:


But you knew you couldn't make the cut. Mayuzumi didn't like you, or maybe he didn't even know you existed. Oh well, maybe he does. He was reading your book after all.

A book about a girl who fell inlove with an unlikely guy. The guy didn't like her and didn't even know she existed. But she still couldn't stop watching him from a far, even if all she ever got was a cold shoulder.

The book was simply your life story, the story about how you fell inlove with Mayuzumi. In detailed descriptions, you wrote what you felt while loving someone who didn't like you back. Your book was like a diary, it summarizes your day to day heartaches and desire.

At first, you thought nobody would read it, but then you were wrong. Your readers kept on coming, those people who could apparently relate. They would somehow brighten up your day by leaving extra nice comments, sending you fan messages, and following you as one of their favorite authors. You thought that maybe in that way, you could divert your attention away from your one-sided love.

But then, CMayuzumi came. The minute you saw that username in your notifications, commenting on one specific chapter, you felt like quietly burrying yourself to death. Hell, the book was about your pathetic affection towards him and there he goes, commenting. Well, at least he didn't know. But still..

Just how awkward that is?

You gathered your guts and jerked your little fingers over your keyboard to send him another message.

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