I'll Never Leave You Alone (Akashi Seijuro x Reader)

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An Akashibae request from @m3126c :) Kyaaaa- *coughs*

I hope you enjoy this one just as much as how I enjoyed writing every sentence of it. \m/

( Wattpad's in a crack. Some of you weren't notified about my lame updates. TT___TT I posted a Hanamiya one-shot before this one. So yeah, pls do check it out too. Thankss )


Your soft laughters echoed inside the four corners of your room, filling up the morning air with serenity and gentleness. Your boyfriend didn't seem to feel the tip of the marker dragging across every corner of his handsome face as you continued drawing silly things. Whiskers, freckles, and even a mustache.

You held in another laughter as you stared at your Obra Maestra. He looked funny, and you were sure he would throw a serious fit as soon as he wakes up.

"Wow. You look incredibly cute with a silly face." You whispered, quietly giggling to yourself.

You placed the marker above the bedside drawer and was just about to crawl out of bed when a hand grabbed your arm and flipped you back down to the mattress. Akashi Seijuro hovered over you and looked at you suspiciously.

"Who's cute with a silly face?" He asked, his morning voice held curiousity and amusement which made you giggle. "Why are you laughing, [Name]?"

"Good morning, Sei." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, avoiding his question. He responded to your kiss immediately, pinning your bare body down to the bed with his own.

By the time you pull away, a grin slanted his lips. "Heh. What's with that mischievous face, love?"

You bursted out laughing, much to his surprise. You just couldn't hold it in anymore. "Look in the mirror."

His brows furrowed and he rose to his knees. He was only in his boxers when he got out of bed and walked towards the nearby mirror. When he saw his face, he froze.

Still laughing, you wrapped the blanket around your body and walked closer. You hugged him from behind, taking a peek of his reflection in the mirror through his shoulder. You could smell his natural scent from his smooth, pale skin.

"You're cute, right?" You taunted, smiling cheekily.

He turned around and chuckled. There was no anger in his heterochromatic eyes, and infact, only happiness and love were seen. He pressed his soft lips on your forehead and chuckled. "You naughty girl."

You wrapped your arms snugly around his body as you buried your face against his bare chest. "I'm a good girl, you know. Be happy I didn't draw dicks on your cheeks."

His loud laugh echoed around you and you laughed too. You felt him kissed the top of your head as he tightened his grip. "Good Morning, [Name]. I love you."

You smiled and relaxed in his arms. "I love you too, Sei."

*  *  *

You've been in a relationship with Akashi Seijuro for nearly two years now. And in those six hundred and twenty-one days of being together with him, you've always felt so special. Whether you two were alone or in Rakuzan.

He was never comfortable with the thought of keeping you and your relationship a secret. He was the best in everything that he does, but not in hiding his affection towards you. To Akashi, you were something he would gladly show to the world and brag about. His love towards you was pure, deep, and unstoppable.

You were his empress, his one and only..

On weekends, he would spend day and night with you in your small apartment. You were a self-supporting student, you pay for your tuition yourself. You have two part-time jobs and the salary you get from those jobs was what kept you alive for years. Your parents died in a car crash years ago and since then, you were left alone.

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