Stay, Don't Go (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader)

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I hope you enjoy this one! ♥

A Murasakibae request from @atsushismurasakibara :)


You were infront of your dresser, in the middle of applying face powder, when your Mom suddenly called out from outside your bedroom door. "[Name], Atsushi-kun is here."

You haulted upon what you heard and immediately opened the door, revealing your Mom and the tall guy (very tall) standing next to her. He raised a brow when he saw you all dressed up. "Where are you going, [Name]-chin?"

You were about to answer him but your Mom had spoken first. "I'm going to leave you two here, your Dad and I are going out."

You chuckled and pecked both of her cheeks. "Have fun on your date, you both. Happy Valentines Day."

"Happy Valentines Day too, Sweetie."

As soon as your Mom left, you immediately let Murasakibara Atsushi in to your room. He sat on the bed while you resumed applying powder on your face. The purple-head stared at you all the while as he munched a bunch of pocky sticks, sitting cozily on your bed as if he owned the place.

"Where are you going?" He asked using his usual lazy tone.

You turned to him and smiled, excitement was brimming in your eyes, which he didn't fail to notice and was sending his heart to the depths of his chest. "I'm going out on a date with [Random Cute Guy Classmate]."

Murasakibara hid the uneasiness he was feeling and remained cool. "[Random ANNOYING Cute Guy Classmate] huh?"

"Yup." You stood up and sat across your friend, your childhood friend who was younger by a year. Technically speaking, you're a senpai. "He asked me out a few days ago. You know him, right?"

Finishing another stick of pocky, he nodded his head. "Yeah, I know him. I saw you with him at school many times."

You laughed and ruffled his shoulder-length hair. "I wasn't with him all those times. He simply follows me wherever I go even if I tell him not to."

"Then I'll crush him for you if you want." He said seriously, looking at you with that bored expression. But you knew better, he was serious.

So you sighed and shifted your position, you laid down on his lap, placing your head on his muscular legs. "You don't have to, Muu. I gave him a chance that's why I'm going out with him tonight."

He scrouched down and motioned his head lower until his lips were mere inches away from your face. His breath was fanning your nose and it smelled sweet. Literally. "How about me?"

Despite the awkward position and the closeness and his question which you couldn't comprehend the meaning, you stayed calm and oblivious. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Because it's Valentines Day, I thought you prepared something for me." He stated like a child, lips jerking into a slight pout.

An 'Oh' formed your mouth and you gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

He pulled away and straightened his back. "Then make something for me now."

"Eh? But I'm leaving in an hour."

He held your shoulders and pulled you up then down to the bed. He pushed you towards the door despite your protests. "Muu, I can't make chocolates in just an hour."

"I can eat other sweets too, not just chocolates." He pointed out, leading you to the kitchen.

You didn't say anything anymore and just sighed. You really couldn't say no to the guy.

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