How I Love Your Voice (Hanamiya Makoto x Reader) LEMON

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I'm not done yet with the last three Valentines Day requests so in the meantime, have some LEMONADE first. lol. I posted this last January12 (my baes birthday) in my other book, and I'm going to post this here again. Well, why not? XD HAHAHA. I realized nobody requested for a Hanamiya one-shot, so I'll post one.

Hanamiya Makoto is mine. Period :)


WARNING: Sexual contents. So if you're not interested, the door is open.


You absolutely loved it when you do nothing but just to cuddle with your lover. This boyfriend of yours was, oftentimes, a complete nuisance. But somehow, you had managed to make him read you a book even though he had a basketball game in an hour or so.

There was something very refreshing about listening to Hanamiya Makoto read to you. He had the best reading voice. He could make you feel as though you were inside the book, seeing everything the main character saw and feeling things they didn't.

You loved his voice so much. It was deep and alluring and husky and never ceased to draw you in. In fact, you loved everything about Hanamiya (even his brows), from the way he would sit while reading to the way he would let you lean against him like a pillow.

"I didn't dare look at her face, but when she spoke, I knew she was angry. She reviled me for ingratitude in wanting to leave her. She reviewed all her kindnesses to me. I begged and implored and wept."

You turned to glance at him and was immediately mesmerized by his striking features. His long fingers turned a page of the book and he paused as he rallied his voice. Then he plunged back into the story, reading with that smooth tone he would only use whenever he was with you.

Your eyes drifted as he continued to read. His dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top, exposing the smallest and most tantalizing bit of skin. He was sitting with his legs slightly spread apart. His jeans rode up his thighs, creating a path in which your gaze obediently followed. You tangled your legs against his which caused him to stop for a second, sighed, then continued to read. You just loved the feel of his warmth on your skin, you snuggled closer and smiled.

Hanamiya Makoto was the most complicated guy you'd ever encountered, and the fact that you were head over heels for him was something that baffled you each and every day. You guessed it had something to do with the fact that you were rather complicated yourself.

Your eyes wandered over his head, his dark hair was framing his face. And for a moment there, you thought he resembled an angel. (It was a good thing you already knew how his personality was often the complete opposite.)

His brown eyes flattered innocently as he continued his task, his chest rose and fell with each breath. His arm was wrapped snugly around you as both of his hands were holding the book, you being caged inside his arms as if telling everybody (though you were completely alone in your room) that you were his property.

"It is only the desire of my heart, the dream of your slave's life. Here is the price of my freedom, Gracious Lady. Be merciful! Set me free!"

You reached out and pressed a soft kiss on his neck, purposely dragging your lips across his soft, delicious skin. He thickly gulped in response to your teasing. You merely giggled and pecked his cheek.

It was hard to draw yourself away from him, from his voice and from his warmth. But as much as you wanted to listen more to his beautiful voice, you were suddenly overcome by the strong desire to sleep. And before you could prevent it, a big yawn escaped your mouth. You heard him smirked.

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