A Promise Of Forever (Imayoshi Shouichi x Reader)

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Requested by @B-ball4ever. I hope this will make you smile, guys. lol

And if you're not busy, please do check out my Imayoshi ff. "Notice Me, Kouhai" Hahaha. Sorry for the plug-in. XD



Imayoshi Shouichi promised to love you forever, and he married you.

He promised to give you a good life, so he worked hard to give you everything you need and the comfortable life you deserved.

He promised to protect you all the time, and so he never once hurt you or even raise his voice at you.

He promised to never leave your side, and he never did.

Imayoshi Shouichi was a perfect husband..

He was understanding, hardworking, and kind. In your four years of marriage, he had never failed in showing to you how much he loved you. With all the things he did and with every word he said to you, you could feel that he valued you more than anything.

More than anyone..

Everything would have been perfect, yes. But there was just this one problem..


*   *   *

"What? I'm not going to quit my job!" You snapped, eyes furiously staring at your husband who was looking at you intently.

He sighed, rubbing the back of your palm to calm you down. "You don't have to quit, [Name]. Just a couple weeks of rest."

You pulled your hand away with what you heard and stood up, more furious than ever. "No. I'm not taking a goddamn rest, I'm halfway close to achieving my dream. I'm not going to give it up just because you said so."

Before you realized it, you couldn't take back what you said. A pang of guilt rang out in your chest when you saw the pain in your husband's face.

For the past few days, you've always been fighting over the same issue. Over and over again.

Your career..

"I'm sorry if I'm holding you back, [Name]. I just want you to take a rest. Take a vacation and forget about stress."

Imayoshi was worried. As a husband, he couldn't simply ignore the fact that you've been stressing yourself out too much because of work. He didn't mind the so-little-time you had for him, he was more concerned about your health.

He promised that he would take care of you, and he was doing that now. Trying to do that now.

"You can't understand me, Shouichi. I have a dream, I want to grab every opportunity that comes in my way." You said in a low voice, tears were starting to stream down to your cheeks.

Guilt was eating your heart out. You were fully aware of Imayoshi's pain and longing, but your career was important to you too. It was something you dreamed of eversince you were just a little child and now, you were only a few steps away into grabbing that and then standing at the top. You knew that Imayoshi knew that and so he never complained.

He promised that he'd understand you, so he didn't utter a word of discontent.


Even when you came home from work so late almost every night. You would immediately lay down beside him to sleep, not even caring to give him a hug or a kiss since he waited for you for hours. Hell, you wouldn't even care to open the fridge and eat the meal he would prepare for you. And in the morning when he wakes up, he would find you already gone. The empty space beside him and the scent you left would sometimes draw a sad smile on his lips. But he loved you so much..

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