Trick or Treat (Generation of Miracles)

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Let us all pretend that today is still Halloween XDD I posted this in my other book of one-shots last November 01 and since this is about KnB, I'll post this here too. Actually, all KnB one-shots that are posted there, I'm going to transfer here. (;

So yeah, enjoy :)


You've always hated halloween.

You couldn't find the great significance as to why people celebrate such an ordinary day. You mean, celebrating for the dead? What nonsense! People would spend dollars of money for decorations, they give away candies to children, and some would even throw halloween parties.

Such a hassle!

When you see how happy they were with what they were doing, you would wonder, what's so good about halloween? Why do people enjoy wearing costumes that signifies such hideous creatures? Were they nuts? They loved seeing the faces of such ugly monsters?

Tch. People..

And so whenever halloween comes, you would just stay in your apartment all day doing your stuff. You ignore every children who knocks on your doorstep, not really bothering to give them even a single piece of sweet delight. That's your tradition.

You didn't really care about that shit..

"[Name]cchi! Nijimuracchi!"

Hearing that loud, irritating voice from your door followed by a dozen knocks, made you twitch in annoyance.

The rascals are here!

You lazily stood up from your seat and walked towards the door. You opened it and immediately saw all of them, dressed in silly costumes. Being Kuruko a ghost, Kise a vampire, Midorima looked like a carrot, Aomine a freaking wolf, Murasakibara looked like a giant ogre with a lollipop in his mouth.. and of course, Akashi dressed as an emperor (not a shocker anymore).

"Trick or treat!" They exclaimed in unison.

You crossed your arms on your chest. "Are you serious? Only kids do that. You guys are already in college."

"Heh. Of course we're not, we're just making fun of you. We're here to throw a party together with Nijimura-senpai." Akashi explained, giving you a smirk.

"I'm serious though. Do you have candies, [Name]-chin?" Murasakibara gave you a puppy look.

Midorima pushed his glasses up and looked at you. "Can't we not go inside? It's freezing out here-nanodayo."

"Yeah. I'm already hungry." Aomine let out a yawn, his bored facial expression showed how he was just dragged into all this.

"Alright. Come inside." You stepped away from the doorway and they all walked inside without another word, only Kuroko stopped infront of you to bow.

"Sorry for the intrusion, [Last Name]-san."

You smiled, partly shaking your head. "It's okay, Kuroko-kun."

Then you closed the door after they were all inside. You set the foods they brought on the table and prepared some drinks. Once you were done, you approached them. "You can take off those costumes, you know. They seem rather bothersome."

"I'm fine with this. And besides, it fits me." Akashi stated smugly, and you ignored him.

Kise seemed to enjoy his looks too though, while Aomine impatiently ripped away his costume. Midorima and Kuroko looked just fine, except Murasakibara who seemed to be having a hard time stripping away his. So you helped him take it off, much to his delight. You've always loved to baby him even though he's the biggest of them all. He smiled at you and in response, you ruffled his shoulder length hair.

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