Love As We Know It (Special Story PART I)

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Yo, guys. I am here again to give you a mini series :) Don't worry, this is not R-18 like "Obssessed Demons". LOL! IT WAS TRAUMATIZING TO WRITE TBH. B)

This series is for two awesome persons here in Wattpad, to @AtsushiNoKyojin and to my sister @tsukixx. I fused your requests into one story or something like that. Oh well, you'll know when you read EVERYTHING. (;

I enjoyed writing this one so I hope you'll enjoy reading too :)


Love As We Know It (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader x Himuro Tatsuya) PART I


You were in your second year in Highschool when your family moved to Akita. Due to your father's job, you had to move from [Your Home Country] to Japan.

Foreign country. Foreign language. It was tough.

You took a deep breath as you stepped inside the gates of Yosen High. You were nervous and you had no idea what to do, especially since you couldn't understand and speak Japanese.

"Excuse me? Are you lost?" Somebody spoke behind you and you swore to God all you could hear was Chu chu chu chu.

You spun around and saw a pretty boy. He was kind of cute with his black hair and his fringe covering his left eye. You bowed and gave him a polite smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here and I don't know Japanese. I'm sorry." You said helplessly in English.

He looked surprised at first but then showed you a smile. "You don't have to apologize, I can help you. I'm Himuro Tatsuya, and you are?" He responded in straight English.

"Oh! Thank God!" You exclaimed in relief then shook his hand even though he wasn't really offering you a handshake. You were just very delighted to have someone who could understand and help you around. "I'm [Fullname]. And I'm a transferee so I don't know where my class is."

"Let me take a look." He moved closer and peeked at the card you were holding. His arm brushed against yours and you awkwardly gulped at the sudden closeness. "You're in Atsushi's class."

"Atsushi? Who is he?" You asked curiously.

He took his phone out and then typed a text to someone. "He's my friend and he's in the same class as you do. He can help you too."

"Really? Thank you so much, Tatsuya. I owe you." You gratefully bowed again and smiled cheekily.

Himuro stared at you for a minute, stared at your face and smile. You were so pretty that he couldn't take his eyes off of you.

"You're beautiful.." He whispered absentmindedly in Japanese.

You frowned. "Excuse me?"

He flinched then immediately shook his head, secretly thanking that you didn't understand what he just said. "Nothing. I said, you're welcome and it's no big deal."

"Oh, okay.."

You waited for another minutes before another guy came. You looked at the newcomer in awe, he was extremely tall and his hair was also longer than most guys you've seen in Japan. But you gotta admit he was kind of cute too though.

"What do you want, Muro-chin?" He asked lazily, yawning and raising a curious brow.

"Somebody needs our help, Atsushi." Himuro started then turned to you. "This is [Fullname]. She's a transferee and she's in your class."

The tall guy furrowed his brows. "Why are you speaking in English?"

"She can't understand Japanese yet. So speak in English too." Himuro explained.

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