Love As We Know It (Special Story PART II)

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Once again, this story is for @AtsushiNoKyojin and @tsukixx :)

If you haven't read the previous chapter, you won't get this one. So please go back and read it. Okay, pretty ladies?

WARNING: Smut. Just slight.


Love As We Know It (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader x Himuro Tatsuya) PART II


Moving on is never about forgetting the person you love, it's all about forgetting the feelings you have for him. Which is damn hard if you get to see that person every freaking day.

However, lucky for you, Murasakibara Atsushi was there to make you happy and divert your attention away from your lovelife problems. And in no time at all, you forgot the affection you had for Himuro Tatsuya. You were able to move on and be happy again.

Graduation came and it was about time you had to part ways with Himuro. He was going to study in a university while you and Murasakibara were left in Yosen. It was a little depressing because you'd surely gonna miss the fun times you three shared. Murasakibara on the other hand, didn't say any dramatic message to his friend but you could tell he was really sad.

After the ceremony, you went out with Murasakibara to somehow lighten up the mood. Himuro left early with his father so he didn't get to join you. It was as if he was avoiding you or something.

"Ne, [Name]-chin.." Murasakibara started as he took a lick of his icecream stick. You were at the park, sitting on a bench while appreciating the setting sun as it painted a marvelous orange shade to the blue sky and white clouds. "Can we stay together forever?"

You choked on your juice pouch and you coughed for air a couple of times. The sudden question surprised you and made your cheeks flare up. "W-What do you mean?"

At that point, he glanced at you through his shoulder. Then he slouched down and kissed you, giving your surprised lips a brief kiss. "That's what I mean."

You composed yourself and gave him a warm smile. You opened your mouth to give him your answer but gasped when you saw the trail of blood flowing down through his nose. "Oh my god, Atsushi! Your nose is bleeding!"

"Eh? What-" He checked it and his eyes widened when he saw the red liquid on his fingers. "Are? Maybe it's because the weather's too hot today."

You hurriedly pulled your handkerchief out of your pocket and stood up, positioning yourself infront of him to clean his face. Even though he was sitting, his head was still almost at the same level as yours.

You wiped away the blood that was on his fingers then proceeded to clean the blood out of his face. As you were busy pampering him, he was also busy staring at your face. You were so beautiful with that concern you had for him in your eyes, it was making his heart do a backflip.

"I love you, [Name]-chin.."

You stopped and stared into his eyes. Your fingers brushed the few strands of hair away from his handsome face and whispered. "I love you too.."

Overtaken by emotion, he dropped his food on the ground and held both sides of your face, pulling you in for another kiss. But this time, it was deep, passionate, longer. So much longer. And you responded with equal passion, wrapping your arms around his neck as you both shared the sweetest kiss you'd surely remember for the rest of your life..

*   *   *

Your relationship with Murasakibara was perfect. He was sweet, loving, caring, and most of all, very cute. Every kiss and every touch seemed like the first time, you couldn't get enough of each other. [A/N: Ugh. Writing this annoys me. I WANT TO BE READER-CHAN TOO. T_T]

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