Sweeter Than Chocolates (Himuro Tatsuya x Reader)

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A request from @B-ball4ever :)

Himuro is in my bae list lol, he's just cool and I super love his seiyuu.



Valentines Day had always been nothing sort of major to you. Just an ordinary day like every other day in the month of February.

However, you were starting to hate that dreadful day even more eversince Himuro Tatsuya became your boyfriend.


Simply because you knew girls would be all over him on that very day.

And you were right..

You rolled your pretty eyeballs when you saw the pile of chocolate boxes in Himuro's arms. The whole school already knew about your relationship with the raven-haired basketball player but girls would still swoon over him, shower him with love letters and some other fluffy stuffs almost everyday. And that annoyed you and your ego to bits.

It's like they weren't acknowledging you as Himuro's girlfriend at all. Or perhaps maybe they were just jealous too. You didn't know. All you knew was that you didn't like it. You didn't like seeing other girls around your beloved boyfriend.

But oh well, what could you do? Himuro Tatsuya's charm was panty-dropping. Hot and irresistible.

You groaned and buried the box of chocolate you prepared for him inside your pocket. Yes, Valentines Day was nothing special to you. But you wanted to do something for your boyfriend so you prepared him a homemade chocolate which you spent hours of hardwork and perseverance plus patience since you were not really the kitchen-lovable-type of girl. And as a matter of fact, you knew nothing about cooking, unless cooking means burning foods and turning sunny side-up eggs into charcoal.

"What's wrong, [Name]-chin?" The giant beside you asked when he noticed you glowering at Himuro by the entrance of the gym, talking to the girls who followed him all the way.

You turned to Murasakibara Atsushi and gave him a small smile. "Nothing, Muu."

"Did you and Muro-chin have a fight?"

You shook your head. "We didn't. I'm just-"

"She's just jealous!" Fukui Kensuke came and butted in, cutting you off while giving you a mischievous grin. "Atsushi, you're Mama is jealous because girls won't leave your Papa alone. Hahahahaha."

You popped a vein, cheeks flaring up. "Kensuke-senpai!"

Fukui and everyone else in the basketball team would often call you three a family. You being the mother, Himuro's the father, and Murasakibara being your child. You three were almost inseparable and they thought that's cute, especially when you and Himuro start to act like Murasakibara's guardians.

"Eh? Is that true, [Name]-chin?" Murasakibara asked curiously, the piece of chip he was about to munch stayed frozen in the air. He didn't like it when you two fight because he was sure he would get stuck into a cold war again.

"Of course not. I am not jealous, Muu." Then you turned to your senpai and gave him a glare. "What you're saying is not true."

Fukui opened his mouth and was about to retort when another horrible screaming reverberated through every corner of the entire gymnasium, making everyone freeze in utter surprise and humor.

"WHY? WHYY? HIMURO ALREADY HAS A GIRLFRIEND, WHY DO GIRLS STILL GIVE HIM CHOCOLATES?? I DON'T HAVE A GIRL BUT I DIDN'T EVEN RECEIVE A SINGLE ONE TODAY! WHY?? THIS WORLD IS UNFAIR!" Okamura Kenichi sulked, crying in the corner where Wei Liu and Fukui immediately went to give him their cruel sympathies.

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