Runaway Groom (Nijimura Shuzo x Reader)

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This is for @Lanyth_Moon :)

I am becoming even more anemic due to massive nosebleeds because of seeing animated Nijimura. And his seiyuu- OhmyLord! Have mercy on my soul ;3


It was the most painful news you've ever heard. Perhaps it was something you'd never forget for the rest of your life.

The man you love, Nijimura Shuzo, was getting married to another girl.

It was all too sudden. Too sudden that even the rest of the group were surprised as well..

You were inside Nijimura's apartment, having a little get together. Food and drinks were served and everyone was there. Namely: Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara, Haizaki, Kise, Aomine, Momoi, and Kuroko. Like them, you were from Teiko Middle School too and a former manager of the Basketball Team like Momoi.

Silence hung in the air and all you could ever hear was the slightest noise Murasakibara was making as he continued munching some chips. Your chest was beginning to tighten but you managed to force a warm smile on your lips..

"C-Congratulations, Shuzo-kun." You said, struggling to make your voice sound so happy and not distressed.

He darted his gaze to you and smiled weakly. "Yeah. Thanks.."

You clasped your hands and squeezed them hard together, supressing the unpleasant emotion running through you. Oh how you wanted to bawl your eyes out, but you knew you couldn't. You had no right since you two were just friends.

Only friends..

Actually, Nijimura confessed to you back in Middle School, but you rejected him because you weren't ready for a relationship that time. Hell, you were still so young so when your cute senpai confessed to you, you freaked out and ran away. However, as time passed by, little by little, you've learned to relax in his company. He never brought out the topic about his confession to you years ago but he was really sweet to you in any way. Sweet, caring, and really nice.

But the thing is, he graduated. You never saw each other again eversince he left Teiko. You cried and cried and cried. You didn't even get the chance to tell him how much you loved him..

Four years later, you enrolled to a university with Haizaki Shougo. And unexpectedly, Nijimura was actually studying there too. You didn't know but it's like your cousin, Haizaki, knew that Nijimura was there so he forced you to enrol as well.

Your cousin's real devious. But you owe him one..

Nijimura and you tried to make up for the lost time.. as friends. But you knew, you just knew there was something between the two of you. You would've taken the initiative to say what you feel, but your nerves would always get the best of you.

You were scared..

What if he would reject you? What if you were just imagining things and he never really thought of you as a woman but just a friend? Your series of fucking what ifs consumed you. Your doubts and fears got the best of you..

And now.. lost your chance forever.

"It's a political marriage, our parents set it up to strengthen their new partnership over the company. They're planning this marriage for over a year and they only told me just recently." Nijimura explained while aimlessly playing his glass of wine, twirling the liquid inside the glass.

Akashi raised a brow. "Have you met the girl?"

"Yeah. I met [Random Bitch] a lot of times already, we talked and she seems nice." The raven-haired male casually replied before taking a sip of his drink. "They got everything ready so they set the date of the wedding. It's next Saturday. You are all invited, okay? So you better come."

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