You're Mine Now (Kise Ryouta x Reader) LEMON

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I wrote this one for my Jay-nee, @bacanijhay :) This lemon was in my other book as well, I'm transferring this here from there. lol


WARNING: Do I really have to warn ya? I'm sure you know what this is. XD


To say that you were bothered was an understatement. Good heavens! You were internally freaking out.

Well, who wouldn't be?

Your friend, Kise Ryouta, had invited you to be his date to a party. And being the nice person that you were, you agreed almost immediately. But never in your whole amazing life did you think that the party you were going to attend was actually a Slumber Party at Akashi Seijuro's residence and that the rest of the Generation of Miracles were also there together with their girlfriends. Okay. Yeah, sure. What's so wrong about that? Nothing. You've always enjoyed the rascals' company as much as you liked their girls.

However, Problem Number One came when Akashi announced that you and Kise were going to share a room together, as well as the other couples. One room, one pair. You knew slumber parties weren't supposed to be like that but you had no chance to complain and speak your mind since it was the Akashi Seijuro we are talking about, and besides, you still wanted your life. All you could ever do was curse silently and give Kise your nicest glare.

You didn't know what the actual hell had gotten inside the red-headed midget's mind when he knew so very well that Kise and you weren't a couple. Yeah, and Problem Number Two, you were not Kise's girlfriend. You two were just friends. So sharing a room with him was completely wrong in so many levels.

Left with no other choice, you were there sitting on the soft couch, puffing large amounts of air and groaning in your misery. While Kise was infront of you, kneeling down just so you wouldn't beat the living crap out of him.

"I'm sorry, [Name]cchi. I swear, I didn't know it's going to turn out this way." He sincerely apologized, giving you one of his signature looks. With all the childish pouts and pearl-like adorable tears in his honey-colored eyes, you felt all anger and frustrations inside of you vanished into thin air.

You sighed in surrender as you glanced at the people inside the wide, entertainment room. You were currently watching a movie entitled The Legend of Dracula. It was a nice movie actually, but not all of you were paying much attention to it at the moment.

Murasakibara Atsushi and his girl were at the couch opposite to yours, they were busy eating. Midorima Shintaro and Himuro Tatsuya and their girlfriends seemed to be the only ones who were actually watching the said film, occasionally sharing some comments with each other once in a while about how interesting it was. Aomine Daiki and Kagami Taiga were childishly bickering at the corner about what to watch next while Momoi Satsuki was trying to stop them, with Kagami's girl facepalming at the immature fight. Takao Kazunari and his girlfriend were having a cuddle session at the couch next to yours, completely ignoring the people around them. While Akashi Seijuro and Kuroko Tetsuya were having a serious talk about who-knows-what with their girlfriends encased in their arms, silently listening to the two males' conversation.

[ A/N: Just imagine yourself the 'girlfriend' of your bae. XD But I tell you, I'm the one inside Akashi's arms. //DIES ]

You were only feeling bad for Kise because he had just recently broken up with his girlfriend whom he had caught flirting with a random guy. You wondered what had gotten into the bitch's mind when she already had a boyfriend like Kise.

You mean, wtf? Kise was a perfect package. He was simply drop-dead handsome. He was kind, bubbly and generous. Not to mention, a freaking model with the body that of a Greek God. And plus, he was athletic and amazing in basketball. What more could she ask for?

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