That Side Of Him (Midorima Shintaro x Reader) LEMON

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And again, this one was posted on my other book of one-shots. I'm posting this here for those who hasn't read this lem- *coughs* one-shot. XD


WARNING: Sexual Contents. Get your tissues ready.


"Is this absolutely necessary-nanodayo?" Came the dry question you'd been waiting for.

Honestly, you were surprised it took him that long to ask. You smiled, thinking you probably looked sickly sweet with your lips curled up like that. But you were only having fun, having fun seeing your boyfriend's annoyed expression as if it were a show or something. And that made Midorima Shintaro raise an eyebrow and try not to admit how he loved seeing your sweet smile. Of course, being the tsundere that he was, he wouldn't admit that even if you point a gun straight into his face.

"Shintaro.." You started. "Akashi-kun's slumber party is tonight and he said we should dress up in pairs. Your friends and even Takao will be bringing their girlfriends along, and Momo-chan said Aomine-kun had already taken her out to shop for couple outfit." You finished it with a pout.

For a moment there, you thought that maybe it was nicer to have a boyfriend like Aomine. He might be out of control sometimes but when situation like this calls, he could be a real gentleman and a real boyfriend. Not like your tsundere boyfriend over here who seemed to be reluctant with everything. Not to mention that he complains a lot.

But since you love your carrot, you brushed the thought away and clung unto his arm, giving him your cutest pouting face. "Please, Shin-shin.."

He stared at your face for awhile before rolling his eyes. He sighed then pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Fine-nanodayo."

You nearly jumped in joy as your face brightened up. You tiptoed and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you.." Then you hurried along inside the shopping mall, not noticing how Midorima's lips curved a gentle smile upon seeing you so happy.

Your megane boyfriend followed you wherever you go, while carrying yours and his lucky item for the day with his taped hand, until you settled inside his favorite clothing store. You planned on buying him new shirts and jeans as well while you're at it since he had been busy the past few weeks and he hasn't been able to go out to buy something (apart from lucky items) for himself. He even barely had enough time for you.

That's what you love about him though. He's very hardworking. Diligent, responsible, and though he might not admit it, kind. And an adorable Tsuntsun too.

You jerked your fingers over hangers, occassionally plucking a shirt or a pair of jeans off the rack and throwing it into the growing pile in Midorima's arms. He glowered down at you and spoke in his usual deep, stern voice. "Don't you think we might have enough?"

You just shrugged and glanced at him. Then you did a double take because you hadn't realized he was holding so many clothes and you could barely see his face for crying out loud. You couldn't stop a small laugh from bubbling past your lips. You knew Midorima couldn't appreciate that hearty laugh at the moment, but couldn't really do anything about it either.

"Okay, you have to go try them on, Shintaro." You said complacently and you sounded like you were speaking to a child. And he didn't like that. He's not a child. But before he could utter one of his sharp retorts, you pushed him towards the dressing rooms and he was even stumbling because he couldn't see where he was going.

"Hey!" He protested.

One of the saleswomen glanced over and you gave her an apologetic smile. As soon as her back was turned, you shove your reluctant lover into a stall and followed after him, shutting the door with a loud click.

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