I Am Not Gay (Takao Kazunari x Reader)

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Requested by @BlackenedFlames :)

Takao is included in my bae list tbh, I like his character in the series. I mean, don't you just love his personality? ;) Plus he is plenty attractive. And the seiyuu omg. I super love his seiyuu- //SLAPPED

Ok. I'll shut my mouth lol.


"Get the hell out of my way, Takao!" You roared, furious and annoyed.

Takao Kazunari only grinned as he remained blocking the doorway to your classroom. The smile plastered on his face was as charming as it ever was. "Answer my question first. You like me. It's true, isn't it?"

You successfully hid the blush that was starting to creep up to your cheeks by facepalming and shaking your head in attempted contempt and disbelief. "You are an idiot. Why would I like you?"

"Heh." His grin only widened as he stared at your face intently. His sharp, Hawk Eyes were scrutinizing every detail of your lovely face as if searching for the slightest hint of lie. "But I heard you, you said you like me."

The dreadful memory, not to mention mortifying, came rushing back to you and you inwardly groaned. Just last week, you were talking to [Random Bestfriend] about girly stuffs and she somehow managed to make you admit to her the secret crush you had on the First Year Point Guard of your school's Basketball Team. But just as you were saying it, the guy suddenly popped up behind you, blinking his eyes in total surprise and innocence.

He totally heard it. Your bad.

And what's worse was that since then, he never left you alone. He was there wherever you turned, following you wherever you go, staring at you during classes and calling your name with that loud, annoying voice he had. He would constantly pester you to tell him whether you were really serious or not, or if what he heard was really true or not.

And of course, being a prideful girl, you couldn't tell him that it was true even if a miracle would happen right infront of your eyes and a crow would suddenly turn white like a dove. Yeah, you would never. You didn't even know if he ever felt the same. Hell, you were even thinking that he was a total gay for Midorima Shintaro. And that's exactly one of the reasons why you couldn't confess:

You were not sure if he was straight..

So you denied everything. You denied, and denied, and denied. It's like you were making him look stupid because clearly, clear as water, that he had heard every single word you said.

I. Like. Takao. Kazunari.

Damn. You just couldn't take the risk and have your heart broken if ever he tells you he didn't feel the same. Or the shame if he tells you he was gay.


So screw everything. Stupid if stupid, a liar is a liar, but there's no way you're going to confess..

Not in a million years.


You spotted Midorima walking closer with a Pikachu plushie on his left hand, probably his oh-so-stupid lucky item for the day. You immediately grabbed his arm despite his protest and pushed him towards Takao who was caught off-guard. "Midorima! Tell your boyfriend to leave me alone!"

The tall guy popped a vein and glowered at you, fixing his glasses and stepping away from the smaller guy. "He's not my boyfriend-nanodayo!"

"Shin-chan, tell [Name]-chan to stop lying and just confess to me." The raven-haired male begged, looking so distressed and helpless, which made the clueless Midorima raise a brow then look at you.

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