Chapter 23: Facing Agent Jilieus Once More...?

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Just as everyone was preparing for the arrival of Agent Jilieus. Carmelita went outside and jumped up and onto the top of Ashla's, Royce's and Ashloy's house before attaching a sniper attachment to her Shock Pistol and setting up shop. Then she takes out her Thermal Mask that Bentley gave her when Ashla was looking for Royce and puts it on her head. Before scanning for Agent Jilieus or any of her criminal associates.

Royce, on the other hand, had himself armed to the teeth, tooth, and nail. His aggression was another one of his weapons, including his love for his family.

Ashla: "Sweetheart, are you sure that you can protect us from that Wolf? I mean Ashloy barely made it out alive."

Royce: "I know that babe, and I won't let that happen again. I assure you."

Ashla: "You promise?"

Royce: "I would lay my life before my family. You and Ashloy will not get hurt." Then all of a sudden, a Siamese Cat Guard comes in running as if in a panic and was reporting to both Royce and Ashla about a sighting of Agent Jilieus. "Ashla, I want you to take Ashloy to the basement. There's no way she'll be able to get across the Dante Scorpion Pit. Now go! I'll go and deal with Jilieus."

Ashla: "Do you have your arsenal the others gave to you?"

Royce: "Yes."

Ashloy: "Go and show that Wolf who's boss, dad!"

His daughter said as Ashla put Ashloy onto her back, went into the basement and crossed the Dante Scorpion Pit via Silk Tightrope.

Once Ashla and Ashloy were in their Safe-room in the basement, Royce proceeded to follow after the Siamese Cat that claimed to have seen Agent Jilieus.

Royce: "Here, take this," Royce says as he sticks the Siamese Cat with an experimental anti-truth-serum drug, "it will help you in the case you are captured by that Wolf."

Hailey: "Ow! Why did you do that for?!" She questioned the 22-year-old as he pricked her with the anti-truth-serum.

Royce: "Shh! She's right over there." Royce pointed over to where the homicidal KGB Wolf was. "That's odd, she's making strange and terrible strategic decisions on how to hunt us." Royce said as he put away his camera.

Hailey: "Us?"

Royce: "Seriously," he then gave Hailey a "really" look, "me and my family, uh..."

Hailey: "It's Hailey, one of Ashla's newest recruits."

Royce: "Well nice to meet you Hailey, but seriously, we: as in You and I need to take out this Wolf."

Hailey: "Why? She looks like she's just sitting there~ oops, I meant standing there... as in some sort of dazed state, motionless and unresponsive."

Royce: "Let me see..." Royce tells the new recruit as he brings his camera back out and examines the KGB agent. "Sh~"

Hailey: "Do we capture or kill, sir? Your orders."

Royce: "Capture if possible, kill if necessary... but before that, I need more information. For now, stick with me," he tells Hailey as he proceeds to gather more data and relay information to the Cooper Gang, his family, and Carmelita, "It appears that she's under the influence of drugs. I can't be certain. Carmelita, come in, are you there? Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Carmelita: "Yes, I'm seeing it through your Binococum, what's the problem?"

Royce: "I think that Agent Jilieus here is under the influence of Narcotics, she's behaving very strangely. This is not her. What are the side effects of Opioids and Narcotics, Inspector Fox?"

Carmelita: "Constipation, nausea, sedation, drowsiness, or clouded thinking, slowed breath, dizziness, itching, addiction, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, dry mouth, trouble breathing, chest pains, abnormal heart beats, cardiac arrest, and probably death."

Royce: "Thank you Ms. Fox, she's showing several of those symptoms."

Carmelita: "She needs medical attention Royce, see if you can subdue her. Your last form of defense should have to kill her, but please be cautious. Individuals on Narcotics are not to be taken lightly, and are even more dangerous than they normally are."

Royce: "I got this under control Carmelita," he told the Interpol Vixen as he hung up before bringing out a sleeping dart and shooting the Wolf. Putting Agent Jilieus to sleep instantly, "hah! It actually worked."

Hailey: "That was easy. Do we bring her in? Kill her on the spot? What?"

Royce: "My intentions were to kill that Wolf. Not to capture her, but she needs medical attention, and the one thing I can't stand is seeing someone slowly lose themself... I mean die."

Hailey: "Capture it is then."

Royce: "Go and claim your prize Hailey." Royce says out of humor, making Hailey smirk at Royce's comment as a result.

Hailey: "Okay, I'll play your little game, Royce. Going to capture a dangerous criminal it is then." She says as she approaches the Wolf.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now