Chapter 55: The Unknown-State

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With Ashla snapping Royce out of his memory-loop and him coming back to his senses, Royce realized that he was bound, restrained, gagged and unable to communicate due to the thick foliage that resulted in these issues. Only thing he could do was make muffled noises to which no one could understand.

Lori: "What should we do with him? He just won't stop struggling and see the look in his eyes? Weird."

Carmelita: "I'd say let him loose, remove the restraints and gag." Everyone turned to Carmelita in shock, thinking she lost her mind, "What?"

Everyone: "Have you lost your mind? Are you crazy?!"

Carmelita: "No," Carmelita said to the crowd, "you are telling me you can't see the look in his eyes that obviously states that he's back to being himself again?"

Lucky: "All I sense is fear right now," Lucky stated, "and it's coming from him," pointing towards Royce, "Ashla, what did you do while you were in there?!"

Ashla: "Make him sad, why?" Ashla told her adopted daughter, not knowing what she was implying.

Lucky: "What did you say exactly?"

Ashla: "The short version or the long version."

Lucky: "ENTIRE... THING..." Lucky demanded, "word for word, bit by bit."

Ashla: "We both know why you're here. You're fixated on your greatest self-conflict and forever after you've wondered how it all fell apart."

Royce: "I hate you Ashla Cooper, you've ruined me... ruined this DeBarry!"

Ashla: "And I hated you for what you did to me... but that doesn't make any of this real. Some time has past and we've both changed... Come out of this trance. Let's meet each other as we are today and let go of who we were when this fight occurred."

Royce: "YOU ARE... correct. Forgive me, my mind is not always my own."

Lucky: "That, entire conversation was what made him sad? I thought there was much more to it than that. I would've thought some traumatic memories, stress or events would have done the job," Lucky stated before looking over back to Royce, "Dad, if you can hear me or anything I say, blink twice," as a result of Royce being able to understand Lucky, he blinked twice, "if you intend on not causing harm, blink once; if you plan on intentionally bringing harm, do not blink," Royce blinked as a result. "I'd say we undo the binds. Anyone who objects, say I..." Lucky announced to the others, no one said "I", even though no one wanted to release him. Eventually,(and due to the thick bindings of the wraps) Carmelita and Lucky were able to get the restraints off of Royce (including the gag), which all left marks on his wrists and mouth.

Royce: "Speak about this to no one, you hear me?" Royce said in a humiliating and embarrassing tone, "I mean it. Don't no one freaking tie me up like that again!" Everyone took the 22-year-old seriously, all except Lori and Milo, who only snickered. "You find what you did to me entertaining? Hog tying me and then restraining me to my kid's pet funny? I did NOT enjoy that at all!"

Ashloy: "Daddy, you tried to bite me. Why did you try to bite me?"

Royce: "I- I tried to bite you?" Royce asked his Human-Siamese Cat daughter, not believing what he was hearing, "that sounds outrageous! Unless..."

Everyone: "Unless what?"

Royce: "Unless it is the Unknown-State..." Carmelita couldn't believe the silly things Royce was talking about, let alone saying. "It would explain the irrational behavior, aggressiveness, agitation, me wanting to harm you guys, forgetfulness..."

Carmelita: "... Or maybe you've just gone feral and been affected by the Virus," Carmelita Fox theorized before the entire room is filled with an awkward silence, "what?"

Milo: "Royce being affected by the Virus? Unlikely." Milo replied, trying to be rational, "he's not THAT nutty."

Royce: "I heard that!"

Lori: "Who cares about what you heard. It's about what you did and became, is what everyone is going on about."

Royce: "You're stepping on some mighty-thin sand-stone Lori, back off!" Royce snapped at the Siamese Cat, before quickly (and unknowingly to Milo) grabbing her pistol and using her as a temporary body-shield, "don't no one follow me, or she gets it," turning the handgun towards her temple, "do I make myself clear?" Carmelita tried to approach the agitated 22-year-old Autistic male with her Shock Pistol slightly drawn, but of course Royce noticed this and pointed the pistol towards Carmelita while also keeping Milo hostage at the same time, "now then, I'm going to leave this house, no one is to follow me. NO ONE, if someone follows me, I WILL NOT hesitate to shoot any of you on sight. Try me!" Royce challenged the group as Carmelita tried (once again) to go after him, only a few feet away to nearly getting shot in the foot. Which not only intimidated her but scared her as well.

With Royce leaving the house- with all sorts of mixed emotions, Carmelita Fox went back inside and told the group what she thinks that they should do, and just leave him alone and be.

Carmelita: "I'd think it would be safer to not say anything or even talk to him until he cools off, and holsters that pistol of Milo's."

Ashla: "Just so he can abandon our kid again?! No way!"

Ashloy: "STOP IT MOMMY; STOP IT AUNT CARMELITA!!" Ashloy's sudden outburst gained attention from the arguing adults and in turn, silenced them, "It's not mommy's fault."

Carmelita: "Then whose fault is it?" Carmelita asked her niece with skepticism, not believing anything that didn't scream 'evidence'.

Ashloy: "Every time I touch daddy's head, or I get taken somewhere else and I don't know what it is; it's dark and there is this thing that keeps asking me 'who am I?, And I don't answer, it looks like daddy." Ashloy told her Aunt as not only gained her attention but Lucky's, Ashla's and the other Spec-Ops Siamese Cats.

Lucky: "Uh-O..."

Carmelita and Ashla: "What do you mean Uh-O? That's not a good uh-o, is it?"

Lucky: "Lemme put it like this, each one of you see into him a different story and way; the emotions; the feelings; the truth. You all see different aspects of him."

Carmelita: "Like I said, let's let him cool-off, down, holster Milo's pistol, and give him some space. Maybe he'll come back to his senses. I'm sure the last thing he wants would to be something bad to happen."

Everyone: "Ok.

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