Chapter 51: Where has Royce disappeared off to?

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With Royce running off and away from Ashla, due to her false accusations and feeling as if he betrayed her and other emotions.

Ashloy: "Mommy, where is Daddy? Why were you yelling at him?"

Ashla didn't know what to say or even how to explain the current situation.

Ashla: "I chased your father away- I thought he was lying to me  and now he hasn't returned." Ashla explains to her daughter as to why her father, Royce, hasn't returned back home.

Ashloy: "Can we try to find Daddy, Mommy?" Ashloy questioned her mother, "Maybe Frosty can help us find out where Daddy has went to."

Ashla: "Who is Frosty?"

Ashloy: "The pet you and Daddy said I could keep if I took care of it, remember?" Ashloy reminded her mother whom didn't know that her daughter finally named the strange creature in their home, "it can do all sorts of things."

Ashla: "Can it find someone?"

Ashloy: "I don't know. I never tried to have it do that. It can really hurt someone or something though. Frosty can fly too!"

Ashla: "DO NOT THINK ABOUT FINDING YOUR FATHER BY YOURSELF ASHLOY," Ashla raised her voice towards her 11-year-old daughter, getting the idea that she was going to do the deed herself, "it's too much, too dangerous, Ashloy," Ashla explains to Ashloy about the risk, "I'll just make a meeting for all the Guard's and assign them Patrols to find your father. He's more than likely to show up somewhere, someplace or another." Ashla informs her daughter, who didn't look pleased one bit, "and if I find out that you left to find your father without my permission, you will be punished! Please Ashloy, let Mommy handle this."

Ashloy: "But Mom..."

Ashla: "But nothing," Ashla told her Human-Siamese Cat hybrid child, drawing a line towards the 11-year-old's arguing and defiance, "Lucky, Carmelita, I request your presence in the Living Room, this instance, immediately, please." Ashla, once again raised her voice throughout the house, gaining the Vixen's attention as the two went straight into the Living Room, "as I'm already sure, you two are aware that Royce has gone missing?"

Carmelita: "Yes."

Lucky: "No."

Ashla: "Lucky, watch over your little sister, Carmelita, I need help organizing patrols and informing Guards on a missing person," Ashla then noticed Carmelita's emotionless face and obvious body-language, "what?"

Carmelita: "You are the obvious one to blame here. Why do you expect me to help you? You damaged a good relationship between you and Royce; you refused to listen to him; your daughter is trying to obviously help, especially with her pet, Frosty. The Guard's are still VERY unfamiliar with me and my presence; have Royce's remaining Special Operations forces help you," Carmelita told the Siamese Cat Guard Captain who was on the edge of crying, as she gave Ashla a tongue lashing, "and you're refusing any help. Any! You haven't even called Sly Cooper, nor the Gang."

Lucky: "I don't think I can help with anything, mom. I'm sorry, but I'll keep an eye on Little Sis."

Ashla: "Carmelita," the Siamese Cat Captain looked at the Interpol Agent, "what do I need to do, and where do I need to start?" This got Carmelita to putting her left hand onto her chin before thinking.

Carmelita: "First off: try organizing your patrols, and make several meetings. We need to inform as many people as possible, in the case of at least someone spotting Royce. Then someone will report it in and we'll start keeping information on where sightings of him occurred. Once we have enough information, that's where we'll surround the area and slowly close in on him, until we apprehend him. There's the random searching where we randomly search several different areas and places, including one's anyone would hide. Then there's, uh... you're not going to like this idea any more than I would but hear me out: we use Ashloy and her pet. Maybe it remembers a particular scent and it can go after Royce." Ashla didn't like Carmelita's idea involving her only child and her pet, Frosty, but it seemed like it could work in her favor, "posters for Missing Persons," Carmelita asked before continuing, "how about anyone with particular talents, such as tracking or hunting?"

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