Chapter 39: Milo & Nate Come Over For Supper. Part 1

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Once Royce and Milo retrieved Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox and this "Nate" person and returned to Agent Jilieus and Milo's squad... uninfected, Agent Jilieus, and Milo's squad went back home.

As Royce was returning home with Carmelita (whom was STILL sedated) and with Milo playing as escort for both Nate, Royce and Carmelita, Milo was starting to ask questions about himself and Nate.

Milo: "Uh, Royce... I was wondering, I never asked you what you were exactly?"

Royce: "You mean like species?"

Milo: "Yes. What are you exactly?"

Royce: "A human. Didn't Ashla ever inform you of what I am?"

Milo: "No, only that I am to personally work under you and report to you."

Royce: "Oh, wait, seriously? Are you asking me these questions because you want to know more about Mr.Nate?"

Milo: "Yes. Is he human like you?"

Nate: "I am indeed." Nate interrupted. "So... where are we going, exactly?"

Royce: "My house, well... it's more like my wife's house."

Nate: "What species is your wife?"

Royce: "A Siamese Cat."

Nate: "I don't understand. What do you mean your wife is a Cat?"

Royce: "I mean she is a Cat."

Nate: "How long have you been here?!"

Royce: "Since I was 21, that would mean I've been here for a year."

Nate: "You're 22?"

Royce: "Yes. Why?"

Nate: "Eh, nothing. So, how did you get here?"

Royce: "Probably the same way you did: through a TV, playing a game."

Nate: "Your wife, what's she like? I know she's a Siamese Cat, is she... friendly? Or will she try to kill me as soon as a look at me?"

Royce: "That depends..."

Nate: "DEPEND'S ON WHAT?!?!"

Royce: "Well, a lot of things have been good on lately and it's hard to earn peoples trust these days."

Nate: "Such as...?"

Royce: "Your boss tries to kill your new boyfriend out of no reason."

Nate: "You like guys?"

Royce: "WHAT?! NO!!," Milo found this amusing as she listened to the two humans conversing, "I'm saying when my girlfriend tried to introduce me to her bosses, they tried to kill me as a result. And brainwashing loved ones into attempting to kill relatives."

Nate: "That's messed up, and dark as all can be man!"

Royce: "Oh wait, here we are. Now Milo, Nate, I'd like for the two of you to make a good impression with my wife and child. Not only is it because you Nate are a human, and Milo, a Spec-Ops. It because... look, we're here... we can talk more about this once we're inside and things are settled down. Seeing that neither of the two of you are infected."

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