Chapter 60: Ashla's Release (Judgment Day)

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To catch up on what happened in the last chapter- "Chapter 59: Run Ashla, Run!!" Royce goes after Ashla's blood and tries to kill her due to being under the influence of Spice and the amplified effects caused by a Clockwerk Eye to which Ashla had possession of. Due to Ashla "forcibly" feeding her human husband, Royce, Spice and using the Clockwerk Eye on him, this resulted in Royce wanting to go after his Siamese Cat Captain wife. Which, of course, was ultimately foiled and taken care of thanks to Baheera: a Siamese Cat from another dimension. Unfortunately for Ashla, the resulting actions against her husband led to Ashla being arrested for harming Royce.

Royce was beginning to wake from the carnage, bodily-injuries and physical-fatigue he endured from his battle with Ashla and Baheera. He began to wake up to news from Nate that his Siamese Cat Captain wife was just arrested "for harming him."

Royce: "What happened? Nate? Milo? Lori? Carmelita, Lucky? Will someone please tell me what just happened?" The now 23-year-old begged for answers as he was unaware of what he brought-upon, "No- no one's going to tell me?" Royce asked again, only this time, Baheera stepped forward and spoke to the human.

Baheera: "I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Nate, right," The Bi-sexual Siamese Cat looks at the other human for assurance before looking back at Royce, "look... your wife... she put the both of us in a cell, forcibly made you eat Spice, then use-" Baheera then requested that Carmelita Fox give her the Clockwerk Eye as to show Royce what she used on him. Although Inspector Fox was hesitant to give such a powerful and dangerous artifact to someone ignorant of its power, she decided to give it to Baheera for demonstration, "Captain Ashla then used this on you, as to forcibly confess that you cheated on her, not to mention, drive you mad as a result."

Royce: "That is messed up in many ways, Baheera. Carmelita, did my Ashla show any emotion when you arrested her? A tear? Anything?"

Carmelita: "She couldn't express her emotions properly, seeing how she hurt the one thing that she cared about. Like when you deceived her, I bet she would have felt betrayed, angry, manipulated, used. Just like when I found out Sly Cooper faked his amnesia." Carmelita explains to Royce, trying to make sense to the Autistic 23-year-old, "My point being, Royce, you seducing that girl that tried to kill you is the result of you trying to live, but in your wife's eyes, you've betrayed her, took her heart and every part of her and crushed it as if it was nothing."

Royce: "I'm sorry..."

Carmelita: "Sorry? You're saying sorry to me? I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

Milo: "You should be apologizing to everyone."

Lori: "Milo, it's not his fault."

Royce: "Why are those Scimitars there?" Royce asked the group, noticing Calypso's tainted Arabic Scimitars on the ground, "was anyone here using that against me? Is that why I'm feeling strange?"

Baheera: "I'm sorry, Royce, your wife and I had to use it in an attempt to incapacitate you."

Royce: "Oh. Wow. No wonder I'm aching everywhere, you know where to hit. Seriously though, can someone wrap some cloth around my shoulder and arm? It hurts real bad. I also want to see Ashla."

Carmelita: "I'll get you fixed after you see your wife, then we'll handle our 'criminal behavior problem' that has your wife ending up in jail as a result."

Royce: "Look Carmelita, my wife, Ashla, is not a criminal. Now please, take me to her."

Meanwhile, At Ashla's Jail Cell...

Ashla: "What do you want? Haven't you done enough to hurt me? Break my heart? Lie to me, my child?" Ashla questioned Royce, "And why did it have to be with one of your own soldiers?" Ashla began tearing up at the thought as she let a few tears loose. This as a result, led to Royce letting out a soft sigh.

Royce: "Ashla..." Royce starts making his statement, "I got a confession, and I want you to hear closely. I know now that you are not entirely to blame. I did NOT want to seduce Calypso because in my mind and heart it would tear me apart for you to see me kiss another woman just so I can live. As a result, I will not hold that against you, but if you hold that against me, I understand. I'm not asking for forgiveness, all I want to say is 'I'm sorry' and no matter what, I still love you. I want to know if you (still) feel the same for me."

Ashla: "I do," Ashla said looking down at the hard sand-stone flooring in disgrace, "and please, do forgive me. I should have believed you despite everything we always go through together."

Nate: "... And the pictures that my girlfriend took of Royce and Calypso."

Milo: "SHUT-UP!!" Milo says to Nate out of humiliation as she slaps him in the back of the head, "That was my fault, now you don't have to rub it in." She said with a hint of aggression.

Lori: "You deserved it." Lori smirks while Nate gave her a nasty look, "Royce, do you think she should be given a second-chance?" Royce gave Lori a surprised look. "What? Why are you giving me that look?"

Royce: "I gave you a second-chance in life when no one wanted to hire you because of your criminal past. What difference does it make here? Although, not everyone deserves second-chances, but my wife does. She has helped to keep this City, her friends, family and me safe for a very long time. She has even supported me with some of my most ridiculous ideas, there are plenty of things I can come up with and she has supported me as I did her." Royce looks at his Siamese Cat Captain wife before Carmelita, "Carmelita, will you release Ashla from her jail cell?"

Carmelita: "Are you dropping the excessive use of force and violation of your Miranda Rights charges?"

Royce: "I didn't file no charges against anyone. Who filed charges against my wife?"

Carmelita: "I did while you were unconscious, Ashla possessed the Clockwerk Eye she used against you. Baheera informed me about what Ashla did and after I found the Eye on Ashla, I proceeded with her arrest. So, enough said, are you dropping the charges?"

Royce: "Yes, but..." Royce paused as to gain everyone's attention, including Ashla's, "I want Ashla to be put on treatment, my personal Spec-Ops team to integrate with the other Guards in the cafeteria; enhanced-nutrition; Special-Weapons-Training with my soldier's; Access to 'Foreign/Exotic/International' materials, weapons, gadgets, tools, gear, clothing, attachments, charms, decorations and whatnot. I also want a wider array to what my team and I can access, not to mention, others as well."

This being addressed towards Ashla, she was more than "delighted" to hear some of Royce's proposals, to which she was already familiar with and was okay with relaxing a few rules.

Ashla: "I accept."

Royce: "... And I want that in paper, please. Carmelita, release my wife from her cell. We're going home." Royce said to Carmelita as she brought out the keys to Ashla's cell, inserted the key into said lock and opened the cell-door, "Thank you Carmelita, we'll be on our way."

Ashla: "I'll be sure to write down your requests and those documents." Ashla told her human husband before being caught off-guard with a soft rub to her face and whiskers by the back-end of Royce's hand, "you have such a gentle touch." The Siamese Cat Captain says as she begins to purr and rub her whiskers amongst Royce's face as they went home.

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