Chapter 24: What is Wrong with Agent Jilieus?

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When Hailey approached the Wolf whom was under the influence of Narcotics, she had a sense of uneasiness. Something was telling her that this was a bad idea but still proceeded to approach the KGB agent.

Just as Hailey approached the Wolf and was about to read Jessica her rights, she passes out, resulting in Royce taking immediate action.

Royce: "This is bad... bad, bad, bad!" The 22-year-old was talking to himself. "Hailey, grab the Wolf and let's take her to the Apothecary. And tell them to restrain her. I'm going to get the others. Oh, and make sure she IS restrained, here," Royce then gives Hailey a pair of plastic zip-ties, "tie it like this so as to restrain her." And like that, Royce darts off.

Hailey: "This outta be something. How do I always get myself in this kind of situations? Stupid time-traveling shenanigans. I wish this was before that human came around."

Royce: "I HEARD THAT!!" Royce yelled from a distance as he was along quickly to return back to his house and towards the others, "Guys, guys, come here. The Agent has been captured, and you wouldn't believe whom captured Agent Jilieus..."

Carmelita: "Who? And is anyone hurt?" Carmelita asked from her radio.

Royce: "Ashla's newest recruit: Hailey, and no Ms.Fox, no one's hurt," Royce tells Carmelita as he then hangs up before entering his house, "Alright everyone, it's safe to come out now!"

Ashla: "Are you sure?" Ashla yelled from the basement.

Royce then goes to their basement, and crosses the Dante Scorpion Pit using the Silk Tightrope.

Royce: "Yes, but strangely enough, she's under the influence of Narcotics..."

Ashla: "What's a Narcotic?"

Royce kept forgetting that this Cat; his wife; was not from the same time period. Therefore these type of things made him think hard as to explain to her as simply as possible.

Royce: "A drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally. Or a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility."

Ashla: "So... this 'Drug'... you think that this could be affecting her in a negative way. Like especially how you inflicted a number on her?"

Royce: "I don't know honey, it could be possible. But let's go to the hospital, there is something you need to see."

Ashla: "Is it about the Wolf?"

Royce: "Yes, but don't worry, I'll bring our friend Ms.Fox. She will be providing protective escort for us."

Ashla: "Alright then, Ashloy, we're safe now. C'mon let's go."

Ashloy: "Dad, can I tear that big, bad wolf's eyes out? When we get there?"

Royce: "As much as I know you want revenge, I don't know how much you want to see her suffer. But the answer is NO. Ashla, do you agree?" Ashla looks away from her husband earning a disagreeing look. But still looked up to her husband and lied before the three went to the hospital to see a tied-up Agent Jilieus. "Yep, she is definitely under the influence of something alright." Seeing how the KGB agent is all wonky eyed.

The doctors only looked at Royce with confusion as they couldn't figure out what the cause was.

Royce: "I want you to take some blood-tests. Send them to pathology for testing. I'd like a report on what is affecting her."

Ashla: "Royce, I still have Authority here in this City. Especially over you... in this City."

Royce: "... And I understand that, my love."

Ashla: "Good. I was hoping that I wasn't losing my authoritative touch, especially with having a family now."

Royce: "Why would you think that, Ashla?"

Ashla: "I feel like... like you're calling more and more of the shots. And I feel like more of a housewife than a Captain of the Siamese Guard now."

Royce: "But you ARE still Captain of the Siamese Cat Guard. And what I do here is watch after Ashloy while you are off working."

Ashla: "Ok, I just wanted to reassure myself."

Royce: "Im sorry you're feeling inferior, Ashla, I assure you, you are equally if not better than me. Okay?"

Ashla then proceeds to hug her husband thanks to his boost of confidence in her.

Ashla: "Thank you."

Royce: "Ashla, do you know what Blood-tests are? And what they are used for?"

Ashla: "Drug detection? See what's in their blood?"

Royce: "Yep! Bingo," Royce then comes close to one of Ashlas' pointed ears and whispered into it, "have them order a blood test on the criminal, please?"

Ashla: "... And why are you taking such interest in our child's attempted murderer?!"

Royce: "It's because..." Royce looks away from Ashla in disgrace, "because I once took Narcotics as a way to treat my Epilepsy, it caused me to act highly irrationally, very aggressive, nasty headaches, and so on and so fourth."

Ashla: "Ooohh... I... I didn't know, I'm sorry. Doctors, I want you to order some blood tests, immediately."

Doctor: "Yes ma'am."

Ashla: "Thank you," she then looks over to her husband, "I hope you are right, she had better be under some sort of control or influence from something. Cause if she isn't normal after this, I'll personally torture her to literal death."

Royce: "OKay."

Ashla: "I'll let Ashloy do the torturing."

Ashloy: "Yeah!"

Ashla: "Only if she still tries to harm anyone."

Ashloy: "Awe..."

Royce: "I'd also like to have a Tox Screen on that Wolf please."

Ashla: "A Tox Screen?"

Royce: "It shows what drugs are in her system, and what type of drugs she is under the influence of and how much of said drug."

Ashla: "This is necessary, how?"

Royce: "Potential treatment options. Think of it like this," brings out the Truth Serum that was used on Ashla, making her horrified, "it would be like making her herself again... I guess there may be 'other' ways of explaining, but I don't know how to effectively explain it."

Ashla: "When will the tests and Tox Screening be finished and how long will they take Nurse?"

Nurse: "Usually from 24 to 48 hours, depending on what the drug is that you are looking for, or how much of said drug."

Ashla: "Thank you Nurse."

Once Ashla, Royce, and Ashloy leave the hospital, along with Carmelita escorting the 3, Carmelita wanted to know what was causing Agent Jilieus' odd and strange behavior.

Carmelita: "Did you two get to the bottom of the cause as to what is causing the Agent's strange behavior, Royce?"

Royce: "No Carmelita, but we'll get the results first thing tomorrow."

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now