Chapter 43: Mother's Day and Ashloy's 11th Birthday!

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I just wanna say "Happy Mother's Day" and you should too (if you can; seriously though, there are some people in the world who wish they can but can't because they're either past away or other reasons. Luckily I can!) the date is 5.9.2021, now onto our story...

Ashloy: "Happy Mothers Day mom!"

Ashla: "Happy 11th Birthday Ashloy."

Royce: "Ashloy, why do you have a... a baby Barioth, I mean why are riding on it and how?? A Monster for crying out loud."

Ashla: "Is this the Monster that was causing mayhem and destruction through Arabia before you disappeared? And before you slayed it?"

Royce: "Yeah, but this one looks like an offspring. Ashloy, where did you find this thing?"

Ashloy: "In the Icy Sand Plains, why?"

Royce: "Is this also the place where you keep getting those 'mysterious rocks', metals and bones every time you return?"

Ashloy: "Yes dad," Ashloy looked down as if she was in trouble, or the thought of her getting into trouble, because she knew it was dangerous, "but Ms.Baheera here, took care of me and made sure that I was alright." Then Ashla and Royce look at Baheera for reassurance.

Ashla: "Is it true, Ms.Baheera? You escorted and protected my baby? She isn't bit or anything like that?" She asks Baheera while examining her daughter.

Baheera: "Yes Mrs.DeBarry, I made sure she was in good hands, well fed, cared for, properly dressed (clothing), took care of any and all wounds, dressed them (bandages), assisted her with all if any situations. I gotta say, your child... quite the curious one, and easy to deal with. She knows her way around any hostile environment."

Royce: "Really? Deal with any Large Threats, Undead, anything unnatural or Monster?"

Baheera: "Uh, Ashloy keeps her own little thing where she observes anything new, strange or interesting."

Ashla: "You're kidding??"

Baheera: "So not only is she intelligent but also clever, ingenious, and thinks on her feet too? Just, wow. In fact, I don't even think she even needed me as protective escort. The girl is more than capable of handling herself!"

Royce: "Okay Baheera, you are dismissed, oh, and here's your pay!" Royce said to Baheera while nearly forgetting to pay her, "NOW... you are dismissed."

Baheera: "Thank you," Baheera accepts her reward before leaving and closing the door on her way out, "oh, and let her please keep that Creature, it seems to form a strong bond with little Ms.Ashloy, and the same goes for her too, bye."

Ashla: "Do you think that Ashloy should be allowed to have an accomplice?"

Royce: "You mean a pet, sweetheart? Hearing what I just heard from one of our 'newest' recruits, I'd say she can keep the Barioth. As long as she can keep it under control," he then proceeded to ask his child the same thing, "Ashloy, do you want to keep this Creature?"

Ashloy: "Yes. I love him."

Royce: "Ashla?"

Ashla: "Only if she is responsible for keeping it house broken, properly feeds it, water and attention then yes, Ashloy, you can keep it. Any concerns you want to voice Royce? Seeing that you've dealt with an animal like this before?"

Royce: "Besides it capable of putting freezing-cold ice, potentially dangerous aggression, frostbite and hypothermia, and maybe a few broken things here and there, I'd say it be fine... for now."

Ashloy: "Can I keep it, please? Pretty please?"

The Human father and Siamese Cat Captain mother look at each other looking at each other, assuring one another that they would both agree on one answer. As a result, the two nod at each other.

Royce: "Despite our concerns involving this animal, your mother and I have came to a conclusion: we both agree to let you have your little scaly friend around, BUT you must take care of it. I remember when I had my FIRST pet, I took great care of him, and we both loved each other."

Ashloy: "What was he dad?"

Royce: "You mean like what species?"

Ashloy: "Yes."

Royce: "Uh, how do I put this for and to the both of you, as I probably know you're not going to like it..."

Ashla: "Get on with it, I'm pretty sure it can't be THAT bad, could it," Ashla asked her 22-year-old husband Royce whom remained silent which started to scare Ashla a bit, "Honey, you're starting to scare me a bit."

Royce: "My first pet was a Siamese Cat..."

Ashla and Ashloy's reactions was not either a positive nor negative reaction, but one out of astonishment, and surprise.

Ashla and Ashloy: "What?!"

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now