Chapter 41: Ashloy's New "Pet". Part 2

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Royce: "If you go, I want someone to go with you. It's just too dangerous now a days for any child to just go outside and go venturing by themselves. I'm going to go and get a friend for this."

Ashloy: "Who?"

Royce: "An associate. Trust me, she looks like she's scary, but you'll love her."

Ashla & Ashloy: "... ... ..."

20 minutes later...

Royce arrives at Baheera's house, then begins knocking on her door.

Baheera: "Who is it? Identify yourself or I WILL come out and cut your insides out and then choke you with your entrails."

Royce: "What the [____]?!"

Baheera: "Royce? Royce is that you?!," Baheera then proceeds to open the door for Royce, "Come in quick, it's not safe around these parts!" She tells him as Baheera pulls Royce into her house before wanting an explanation on why he is at her address, "before you say anything, I want to know why you are here."

Royce: "I need to ask of a favor from you," this surprised the lacerated Siamese Cat as she continues to listen, "you see, my child wants to go and see 'a friend' of hers, and I believe she is going into dangerous territory. I need someone who is experienced, and according to what you said is true, then this job will be of no problem to you, will it, 'Second-In-Command'?" This surprised Baheera even more as he used her rank and title instead of her name.

Baheera: "What's in it for me?"

Royce: "What do you want in return?"

Baheera: "How about something to protect me from those Dead-What-You-Ma-Call-Its? Like a weapon or something?"

Royce: "Done deal," Royce exclaims as he brings out a vial of a previously developed vaccine to combat and eradicate the first strand of the Zombie Virus, "You'll be practically invisible to them undead freaks, err~ Cats and Infected Guards. Just watch out for the more intelligent ones, those ones use weapons."

Baheera: "Ok, I'll be on my way now. Thank you, but for future reference Royce: I don't mind needles, just don't go pricking me with needles anytime you want, got it?"

Royce: "Yeah, but it's for your safety. Please understand."

Baheera: "Fine," Baheera then notices her arm begins to feel sore, "my arm is beginning to feel sore."

Royce: "It's normal. Now go help and protect my daughter until she goes and sees her 'friend', got it?"

Baheera: "Yes sir."

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