Chapter 54: Ashla versues Royce [A Mental] "Boss-Fight"

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With Lucky granting Ashla access to Royce's (weak [,and potentially crippled]) mind, she looks around and observes her surroundings; first to be greeted by a high-pitched authoritative voice being shouted towards her before noticing the outlining of a certain figure slowly approaching her as it reveals itself. This sends the Siamese Cat Captain into a state of shock and fear as the familiar figure draws its own weapon: an assault rifle on Ashla- ready to kill at any moments notice.

Royce: "Oh," Royce sees the Captain, still pointing the assault rifle at her, while keeping his guard up, "it's just you. What do you want?! Oh yeah, that's right..." he says out loud before turning the surroundings into a certain memory that triggered a flashback with Ashla remembering all too well... "I see you carry the Cane of the notorious Cooper-Thief Clan; have you come here for revenge? To inflict more harm?..."

Ashla: "Whoa! This is just like the time I ridiculed and beat the stuffing outta you..."

Royce: "Why should you care if I harm a few Guards? You are a Thief, just like me!"

Ashla: "Uh, yeah. Are you even listening to anything I'm saying?"

Royce: "Insolent child! You shall pay dearly for your disrespect! Still, to honor your Cooper Ancestry, I will send you to your doom with the beauty of my new combat technique, Blood-rage!"

Ashla: "Uh-O!" Ashla says to herself out as she prepares for the fight against her husband's mental state. As she manages to get in close to Royce's mental state she begins attacking the figure, causing some damage to him but he manages to kick her a small distance without inflicting any injuries onto her. This is where Ashla had to start thinking- thinking real hard, "Snap out of it! This is all in your head!" Ashla tried to reason and rationalize with the mental figure.

Royce: "My mind is clear, focused on your destruction!"

Ashla: "I've got to break him out of this memory loop." There were several options she could choose for herself; "Say something from the past,"; "Play Nice,"; "Be Rude,"; "Threatened him," and "make him sad." Ashla didn't like any of her considering options, especially seeing how her husband was sensitive so she thought about making him sad, make him even more guilty. "We both know why you're here. You're fixated on your greatest self-conflict and forever after you've wondered how it all fell apart."

Royce: "I hate you Ashla Cooper, you've ruined me... ruined this DeBarry!"

Ashla: "And I hated you for what you did to me... but that doesn't make any of this real. Some time has past and we've both changed... Come out of this trance. Let's meet each other as we are today and let go of who we were when this fight occurred."

Royce: "YOU ARE... correct. Forgive me, my mind is not always my own." He apologized, breaking out of the memory loop before Ashla was back inside her head, and Royce was beginning to become coherent and himself again. Only to find himself hogtied like a common animal.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now