Don't worry

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[Broken bones]

Wilbur was playing with his friends in the playground. They were a little too big for the actual games, so they decided to scare the Kids that came in, by climbing and sitting at the top of the tower.

They were having fun, him and the rest of Soot house were challenging each other to do things up there.

Then it was Wilbur's turn.

Wilbur was a little scared of heights, just a little. So he being there was already a challenge.

–I challenge you to go to the swings from up here, and stay up there for 10 minutes.–

Everyone started to laugh. He was scared, but did it anyway.

Because when you tell him that he can't do something, he will prove you wrong.

It isn't the best way of doing things, but Wilbur decided to go to the swings form above.

As if he was walking on thin ice. One wrong move and he's screwed.

His friends cheered him while he was trying to concentrate.

They were so loud.



And when he was at the top of the swings, 6 feet above the ground, he looked down.


–How long do I have to stay here?– He asked, shaking.
His friends didn't notice.

–10 minutes!!–
They continued playing, no one looking at Wil's direction. He started to hyperventilate.

In a wrong move, trying to stay calm, he slipped.

And fell.

Fell to the ground.


All of them heard a sound and they turned their heads to where Wil had fallen.

He was trying not to cry, not to show weakness, so to say, but it was difficult.

He was pretty sure he had broken his arm. Fractured his elbow or some shit like that.

He told his friends so, and at first they stayed silent. Then Shlatt spoke;

–No you didn't, you are just a pussy– He laughed –Come on, Wil, get up!–

He said it playfully, tho his words repeated on Wilbur's head.

He stood up by himself, trying not to make force with his arm.
It was truly broken.

–I think I'm going home then, staying up there was pretty tiring–
It was partly true, but he still was concerned about his broken bones.

What would his family think? Would they call him pussy too?

His family was basically, his dad, Philza. His twin brother Techno, and his two little brothers Tommy and Tubbo.

He started walking home, thinking about their reactions.

Tommy was the younger, being 8 years old. Even if he was a child, he still swears a lot. He would probably shout at him for being stupid.

Tubbo was next, the child would probably be concerned at first, but then would ignore him. It is what Tubbo did anyway.

Techno, his brother. He was 17, just like he himself, but Techno always acted as if he was 20 or some shit.
He would probably act like Shlatt, and tell him it was nothing, that he was overreacting.

Wilbur Soot & Ranboo [Angst One-shots]Where stories live. Discover now