Tales of a brother [1/3]

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I'm working on part 2 of 'Kidnapped', as requested, but it'll take some time sorry

Until then have this :)

Tw: bullying, yelling, abuse (burns-cigarrete marks), mild mention of suicide, neglecting, and anxiety -I dunno, I put this last one for everyone who is triggered by anxiety, tho it's not anxiety attacks nor anything-

Wilbur used to like it there. As he was the oldest child, when he was first adopted, he was the only one there.
Phil would be so kind with him, giving him time and space to get to trust him, still playing and opening to him.

Like a father he wished he had, when Techno came, he kinda.. forgot about him. Now, that was just a memory.

As Techno was kinda of a god, a child as intelligent as a man, and not even that younger than Will, he kinda, became the favorite.

When they were kids, the only change was that Phil would play with them only if Techno asked, as they always played together.
But as he grew up, all the things that made him an individual, and that were of his own, were neglected.

He would never watch Hamilton with him, nor help him with homework. Listen to him sing.

And that hurted him.

When Tommy came, they were almost always together, playing, fighting, watching hamilton, chatting while Will made dinner, will singing him to sleep.
As Tommy became a teenager, he kinda started pushing him away. Wilbur was already 20 y/o, but he missed Tommy.

He would try to talk to him, or play minecraft with him, but Tommy almost always refused, as to say he would be with Tuboo, or that what Wilbur wanted were "things of the past"

Wilbur kinda, felt alone. So alone. He had had a very good relationship with his brothers in the past, but they left him to be.

Growing was harder without a family to be there for you.

He did have friends, plus he would hang out with Tommy or Techno's friends. Obviously, he had to be very annoying, because almost everytime they would cast him out.

Phil would ignore him, while he would treat Techno like a god, or Tommy like a small child in the need of attention. At least his dog loved him.

Wilbur needed attention too, y'know?

That is why, he would just be silent. He had been been mute for over 3 months, and the only one to ask about it had been Tommy, while Techno just stared at him weird when he hadn't answered his question.

As to University, he would get bullied at school for being silent. They would hit him until he couldn't get air to his lungs, or until he could feel his hand hurting at even touching the guitar strings.

The teachers, as they knew him, and knew about him, wouldn't normally ask him questions in class, but sometimes they would ask him, so he would just stand up and do the little sign language he knew (as he was still learning)

Then, as they didn't understand him, he would get up and write it in the board.
Almost always, his answers would be correct. If not, there would be a tiny mistake on a math problem, or a grammar misspell.

They other kids would glare daggers at him, and then would leave him in the bathroom crying.

He was alone at school, his friends not even bothering to talk to him.
He would listen to music in repeat.

The only place that was peaceful for him, was surprisingly the orphanage.

He lived in the orphanage for 6 years, and the other 5 before he met Phil where the ones with his one and only biological father, who left him there, in the orphanage, and then killed himself.

Wilbur Soot & Ranboo [Angst One-shots]Where stories live. Discover now