Kidnapped [Dreambur]

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(Tw: Blood, Kidnaping, Torture, War, and shipping! Declaration: The Shipping between the personas they displayed during the L'manburg independence war, not the real people.)

Inspired by sortasimping

They had been fighting for months. It was tiring, to say the least.
Living in constant fear was something no one wanted.

When you were the general, it was worst.
He was in charge of the battle; when losing men, the fault rose upon him.
Not only that, but his father wasn't around. He'd swore he'd be around for him.

He had made a million mistakes, but he had to protect what ment most.

And even if it sounded like he was only protecting the country, he cared a lot about the people, and would do whatever he needed to do to protect them.

That's what lead to this situation.

His only relative in the place was currently shouting at the head leader of the enemy side. They looked pissed.

They were trying to sign a treaty here.

-Tommy- He interrupted for the first time. Everyone shutting their mouths the moment he said the name. -Calm down.-

He stepped forward, towards the enemies.
-What do you want, as to finally get a stop on this war?- The general spoke.

He used to be friends with them. Now they were scared of him, yet laid victorious over them.

-We would like some kind of insurance, something to prevent L'manburg from... Being a threat to the smp in the future.- Dream said

-If that would grant peace, and stop the violence, then we'll do anything- Wilbur said, without hesitation.
Giving his comrades a quick look, watching them smile.

He kept his neutral face tho.

The Dream Team looked at each other. Silently talking through glares.
Sapnap nodded, and George looked away.

Dream signed, and then, said:

-We want you.-

Everyone stood in shock. Even Wilbur, watching everything go in slow motion.
He saw how both his brother and son started screaming, although it was silent, and running towards the enemy.

They were trying to make a peace...

Tubbo held Tommy as he shouted, and Fundy slipped away of Nikki's grasp, charging towards that green bastard.

They pointed a crossbow towards him, and shot an arrow to he's arm.

If everyone wasn't shaking and crying before, they were now.

-MY SON!- Wilbur finally snapped out of it, and runned towards him, who was holding his wound with his other hand, stopping the bleeding momentarily.

-He won't die-Punz simply stated. -But he, and everyone here will if You don't come with us- He said, clearly talking to the general.

-Dad, I'm so sorry I've forgotten what you thought me- He whispered

-My son.. I know, I Know..-

He looked at Fundy in the eyes and whispered.

-Don't miss me too much... please-

Fundy looked terrified, and started shouting at Wilbur that, they could find another way, that there was something they could do. That he didn't left him.

Will commanded Niki to take Fundy to the infirmary, not even looking at him as he tried to clean the tears that streamed down his face.

Everyone knew what was coming. And everyone started to cry, and yell, and shout at him to not.

-S t o p.- he said.

They stopped talking, but the tears still rolled.
Dream had a love sick look in his eyes, altho no one could see it, and simply said:


-If this will guarantee the security of L'manburg, then I'll willingly go with you. I won't fight, and you will leave alone all this people, and their children, and so on. Lmanburg stays safe, forever.-

-If they try to take you back by force, we will counterattack, so I can't guarantee them safety if they don't want it themselves.- Dram said -Maybe, in the future, we can negotiate your return, but until then, you'll be ours.-

'Ours', as in an object.. 'Ours', as His..

Wilbur was visibly hurt, although everyone knew he would willingly go, even if they tried to convince him otherwise.

Everything went so fast, as to when he was properly installed in the 'kinda prison' room, he just cried himself to sleep.

The next morning, someone opened the door. Poor Wilbur hadn't really slept well, and hadn't changed.

He was still wearing the dirty, tear stained uniform he was wearing yesterday, in the room where it happened.

He didn't even got to say goodbye.

Dream entered the room with a tray of food and some water. Not bad to be honest.
Wilbur looked at him with deep hate, eyes full of fire. He wanted to punch him so hard!!!...

But he just sat and ate.

-You know, Wilby–

-Don't call me Wilby- He interrupted

–I was gonna say, that I'm impressed. I thought you would try to negotiate something else, or that we would have to take you by force, but I guess you really are very selfless.-

Wilbur just looked away.

-You know, Wilby, Why I wanted you?-

Instead of responding, he just mumbled
-Don't call me Wilby you fucking green bastard-

Apparently Dream heard. And he wasn't very pleased.
In one quick moment, he punched Wilbur in the nose, and proceeded to kick him of the bed onto the floor.

Wilbur silently cried, trying to get back up. He recieved another kick, and just stayed in the floor. Crying. Blood dripping down his nose.

-I. Love. You. Wilbur soot. I want you, and I'll have you. You heard me?- Dream said, standing above him.

He cleaned Wilbur's bleeding nose with his thumb, and licked it.

Wilbur wanted to throw up.

-Love dosen't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, and it takes everything from you. That's what I did. You now have nothing, and I have you...

And you'll learn to love me-

The end.

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