Kidnapped 2 [Dreambur]

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(Tw: Blood, Kidnaping, Abuse, Burn Scars, Torture, War, and shipping! Declaration: The Shipping between the personas they displayed during the L'manburg independence war, not the real people.)

He was so, so tired.
Days passed as if they were years.
Time went so slowly.

But, he just had to wait for it.
Try to cope with all the trauma.

His only salvation in that awful place were the deteriorating memory of his friends. They were all he had.

And he was starting to forget them.
He would usually sing during the nights, that anthem that gave him hope but made him cry.

Time passed and the lyrics became more blurred, now in his head there was only the harsh words Dream would say to him.
Manipulating him.

Months passed and he was just a shallow man. The shadow of what he used to be.

That brilliant man, who used to sing songs and calmly make flower crowns next to the river, was now gone.

He was now just a puppet, a body without soul. Trying to break free of that prison his own mind had became.

Dream would hit him, in that small room that became his home, and would tell him no one loved him, except him. That he was too ugly to be loved.

Wilbur would tell him he was sorry, for being him, but Dream was never satisfied.

After almost a year, of abuse, and tears, and sorrow, he was finally told he could have a visitor.

One single visitor, and back to Dream.

He was not exited. He didn't know sho was coming to visit him.
Last thing he wanted was some stranger seeing him like this.

He didn't have a family, they had died to him when he had died inside.
He had no one.

So, when Tommy walked up to him, with Dream behind him, he stood up. Ready for the daily torture he was now familiarized with.

-Wilbur, sit- Dream commanded, as if talking to an obedient dog.

Will sat down in the chair, right in front of Tommy, who had tears in his eyes.

-You have 1 hour of talking. If he stays a bit longer, you won't respond to him, alright?- Dream said. Then sat a little timer next to Wilbur, and whispered -If you talk more, this little thing will shock you. Understand?-

Wilbur gulped, eyeing Tommy, and nodded. He would need to get over it.

Tommy sat down on the chair, and Wilbur started the timer. Dream left.

-Alright, we have one hour. Who are you?- Will started.

Tommy was sobbing, and crying.

-W-what??? Don't you remember me? T-Tommy?? Your brother..?-

Wilbur stared for a moment, memory blurred, giving him a headache.
He looked over to Tommy, and.. flashback.

Tommy kept talking, while sobbing, trying to make Wilbur remember.

Then, he did the best thing that came to his mind.

-I h-heard the was a.. special place.- Pause. Sob. Continue. -Where man could go, and e-emancipate.. the brutality, and the tyranny of their... ruler.- he glanced at Wilbur, who was starting to cry, hand on the table, as if he was gonna pass out.
Tommy continued, crying.

-Well, this place is real, no needed t-threat.. with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo.. F-fuck Eret!- Tommy smiled at Wilbur, and he smiled back, tears flowing like rivers. it's a very big, and... not blown up L'manburg-

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