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josephine weasley

My mind raced as I ran towards the flames. Screams echoed in my head as I followed behind the bobbing red head of hair that belonged George. Draco followed on my heals, calling after me.

Another scream rang out as I stared up at the house before me, the other guests running now towards the Weasley home.

Smoke burned in my nose as I grabbed Fred's arm, reaching a stop next to him. He looked down at me with pleading eyes, and it was then that I realized what his actions were. I shook my head, but that didn't stop him from ripping his arm from
me, tearing his jacket off and holding it in front of him as he ran into the doorway of the home.

"FRED!" I screamed, going to run after him, but George seized me by my waist, holding me back as I tried desperately to get away.

Charlie raced after Fred, into the pit of flames as Molly's sobs rattled my eardrums, standing beside Draco, George, and I with her head in her husband's chest.

Ginny stood next to Hermione, watching after the trail her two brothers had taken, tears threatening the corners of their eyes.

A large groaning noise escaped from the wood that made up the house, my hand pressed over my mouth, George's hand burning my skin as it held onto my waist still.

That's when it happened. That's when it all came crashing down. The piles of wood that had made up the foundations of the family home came down, falling down and crushing everything in its path.

A sob hitched in my throat as gasps came from all around, watching the doorway, hoping for some miracle to come through it.

But nothing came.

I turned around, burying my head in George's chest as tears fell down my cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me, his head falling on top of mine as everything around us went silent.

"Look!" someone's voice yelled, and I spun around, looking up at the ghostly shape that was created from the flames.

Emerging from the flames, there they were. Fred carrying a bundle in his arms, holding it to his chest as to protect it from
smoke, and Charlie following behind him, Fleur's blonde hair shining as he held her under her back and the bends of her knees.

George and I ran forward towards Fred, his brother catching him as he began to collapse, my arms wrapping around the bundle and pulling the baby away from him.

Charlie sat on the ground as Bill pulled Fleur from him, Ron and Ginny checking on their soot covered brother.

"Fred," George spoke as he leaned over his brother. "Fred, talk to me."

Angelina came forward from the crowd, dropping to her knees beside us. "We're going to need clean water, towels, and a safe space to keep them in," she ordered to her boyfriend.

He nodded, standing up and grabbing Draco quickly, pulling him off to help him set up the tent the Weasley's had kept from
their time at the Quidditch Cup in Ron's fourth year.

"What can I do?" I asked her, the blonde headed baby in my arms looking up at me with blue eyes, not a single drop of soot or a burn on her body.

"Nothing until the tent is set up."

I turned my head to look back at George and Draco, who now stood with Harry, Hermione, and my father quickly setting up the tent with magic before nodding in our direction.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Angelina spoke, waving her wand as she levitated Fred off the ground, walking backwards to take him into the tent.

I got to my feet, still in my wedding gown as I walked over to Arthur, handing him Miracle as I pointed my wand at Charlie, muttering the incantation and doing just as Angelina had.

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