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(i just want to add that the pictures for the cover of each chapter are the outfits worn by joey in each chapter. the cover of this chapter is joey's dress, for example.)

josephine lupin-black

"Nobody asked you?" Hermione asked as we began to get ready.

I shook my head. "It's alright, though. I didn't want to dance anyways. Besides, it's already enough that the school is seeing me in a dress. I hardly ever wear them."

Hermione and Ginny nodded in agreement.

"We had to last year as well," Ginny muttered. "I went with Neville, but this year Michael Corner actually asked me."

I smiled and nodded. "Who asked you 'Mione?"

"Ron and I agreed to go as friends," she said as she curled her hair carefully. "Harry and Cho are going together, of course. Took them long enough."

I nodded. "It's sickening watching them make heart eyes at each other across the tables in the Great Hall. I about gagged on my porridge this morning."

Ginny laughed along with Hermione.

"Alright, you guys ready for the dress reveal?" I asked.

"YES!" they yelled in unison.

I walked into the long lavatory that connected to our dorm and shut the door, carefully changing into my dress. The lock clicked as I opened the door, my black dress flowing around me.

"YOU LOOK STUNNING!" Ginny yelled, pulling me into a hug.

Hermione nodded. "You look amazing! Everyone is going to regret not asking you to the dance."

I laughed. "Please, you're exaggerating. Now, let's go wow all the boys."

fred weasley

I buttoned up my shirt, pulling my vest on over it.

"Where'd you manage to get those?!" Ron asked astonished.

George laughed. "Joey got them for us, right Freddie?"

I nodded my head. "You would be correct, Georgie."

Ron rolled his eyes. "I'm stuck with Percy's hand-me-downs again!"

We laughed as Ron pouted, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Oh calm down, mate," Harry responded. "You look fine. Besides, I'm sure Hermione won't mind."

I nodded. "Yeah, come on, let's go get your girls."

We stood outside the Great Hall, waiting for Angelina, Cho, and Hermione to get there.

"You seriously didn't ask anyone?" George asked me. "I mean Katie would've went with you."

I shook my head. "Didn't want to go with anybody. I figured I'd take a break this year."

He glared at me. "You, Fred Weasley, Mr. Playboy, take a break?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, the girl I wanted to ask..."

"There they are!" Ron said, interrupting us.

I looked up and in front of us stood the girls, walking down the steps and laughing with each other.

My eyes traveled over to Joey. Her dress looked gorgeous. Merlin, why did nobody ask her?

"Well hellooooo ladies," George winked at the girls with a smirk. "How are you this fine evening?"

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